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High Performance Bio-based Functional Coatings for Wood and Decorative Applications

Descripción del proyecto

Una nueva generación de materiales de recubrimiento de origen biológico

El afán de conseguir una Europa climáticamente neutra depende de si se sustituyen satisfactoriamente las materias primas basadas en combustibles fósiles no renovables. En Europa, más del 80 % de las pinturas y los materiales de recubrimiento se fabrican a partir de materias primas derivadas de combustibles fósiles. Para revertir esta tendencia, el proyecto financiado con fondos europeos PERFECOAT desarrollará y validará una nueva generación de materiales de recubrimiento de madera y decorativos con más del 25 % de componentes de origen biológico. Este concepto se basa en una plataforma flexible de tecnologías innovadoras para producir y dar funcionalidad a nuevos componentes de recubrimiento a granel de origen biológico y fabricarlos con nuevas formulaciones de materiales de recubrimiento. El proyecto abordará tres importantes mercados, a saber: las lacas transparentes de alto volumen endurecibles por ultravioletas, las pinturas al agua para acabados de bricolaje y las pinturas murales.


Achieving a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 requires the replacement of fossil-based material with bio-based material on a broad basis. Today, ca. 900 kt/y paints and coatings are produced in Europe, with more than 80% still being from fossil resources. Wood and decorative coatings represent a large market, accounting for more than half of that volume. The goal of the PERFECOAT project is to develop and validate a new generation of industrial wood and decorative coatings with significantly more than 25% bio-based components that meet and even surpass the current quality and sustainability standards. Our concept is based on a flexible platform of novel technologies to produce and functionalize new, bio-based bulk coating components and assemble them into new coating formulations. Three major coating markets will be addressed: 1) high-volume ultraviolet (UV)-curable clearcoats, 2) do-it-yourself (DIY) waterborne trim paints, and 3) DIY waterborne wall paints. End-of-life scenarios plus economic, environmental, and social assessments will support the technological development in PERFECOAT, to guarantee a high level of sustainability throughout the value chain. The coating ingredients and final coating blends produced by PERFECOAT will be tested for safety compatibility at different stages of their development. High performance of new advanced bio-based binders, fillers and additives will be systematically developed and validated in coatings, starting from a proof of concept (TRL3) to demonstrator validation (TRL5). PERFECOAT is implemented by a strong, well-balanced, multidisciplinary consortium of experts from 4 universities and research institutes and 8 commercial project partners, including 4 SMEs, in 7 member countries. All partners are committed and highly motivated to jointly increase the competitiveness and sustainability of European industry by bringing innovative materials and methods closer to the marked while fostering new cross-sector interaction.

Ámbito científico (EuroSciVoc)

CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.

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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 687 643,75
Coste total
€ 1 939 581,25

Participantes (12)