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QuantERA II ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies

Descrizione del progetto

Rafforzare la leadership scientifica dell’Europa nell’ambito delle tecnologie quantistiche

Il programma QuantERA II ERA-NET Cofund risponde alla crescente esigenza di sostenere sforzi collaborativi e meccanismi di finanziamento comuni nell’ambito altamente interdisciplinare delle tecnologie quantistiche. Essendo la più ampia rete europea di organizzazioni per il finanziamento della ricerca in questo tipo di tecnologie, QuantERA II intende incoraggiare e promuovere una ricerca di eccellente qualità in tal ambito attraverso un’azione coordinata che preveda l’orientamento degli inviti a presentare proposte a livello transnazionale, l’incentivazione del dialogo e della cooperazione a matrice internazionale e il tracciamento dello sviluppo delle politiche pubbliche nel campo delle tecnologie quantistiche. Gli inviti a presentare proposte continuano a premiare le idee eccezionali, configurandosi come catalizzatori per nuove attività di ricerca in questo settore. Riconoscendo l’importanza che riveste l’equilibrio di genere nella ricerca e la promozione dell’inclusione dei paesi oggetto dell’ampliamento, QuantERA II prosegue nella propria missione di diffondere l’eccellenza nella ricerca in tutta Europa e non solo, con l’obiettivo di rafforzare la leadership scientifica dell’Europa.


Quantum Technologies (QT) is a highly interdisciplinary, paradigm-changing area of research. European researchers have been at the forefront of these developments, delivering many groundbreaking scientific results and advancing technological exploitation. For the past four years, the QuantERA network has been successfully providing the research community with a coordinated Europe-wide approach to support cutting-edge research in QT. Building on this experience, with EU support, the QuantERA consortium (currently present in 30 countries) will continue its activities and develop them even further. The central objective of this proposal is to launch a transnational co-funded call with a planned budget of over €26M of national contributions. €15M of EU contribution is expected to support the co-funded call budget and project tasks. In accordance with the FET Work Programme 2018-2020, the scientific scope of the QuantERA II co-funded call will complement the Quantum Technologies Flagship activities. QuantERA II will seek to effectively liaise with the QT Flagship and other stakeholders in the field of QT research to make the best use of the collective European experience in QT research funding, as well as address the gender imbalance in QT research and spread the research excellence across European Research Area (ERA). A range of additional activities will be integrated into the launch of the co-funded call: strengthening the multilateral dialogue with policy makers regarding the design of future funding instruments, stimulation of networking and exchange of best practices, continuation of mapping of public QT policies in Europe, use of the Guidelines on Responsible Research and Innovation in QT developed in the first QuantERA programme. The QuantERA II proposal conforms to the specific challenges and scope of the Work Programme Horizon 2020-Future and Emerging Technologies by providing a structured framework to coordinate national and regional research programmes in QT.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

ERA-NET-Cofund - ERA-NET Cofund


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 533 756,91
30 312 Krakow

Mostra sulla mappa

Makroregion południowy Małopolskie Miasto Kraków
Tipo di attività
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 1 617 461,00

Partecipanti (45)