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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

ALBATROSS: The most energy efficient flying bird

Descrizione del progetto

Dirigersi verso un’industria aeronautica ecocompatibile

L’UE si sta adoperando per il raggiungimento di un sistema di trasporto efficiente sotto il profilo delle risorse, sicuro, nonché rispettoso del clima e dell’ambiente per i cittadini, l’economia e la società. Il trasporto aereo è centrale in questo processo, essendo oggetto di molte azioni che si concentrano su uno sviluppo sostenibile del settore aeronautico. Il progetto ALBATROSS, finanziato dall’UE, consiste in un’iniziativa che include le principali parti interessate dell’aviazione europea per dimostrare in che modo le innovazioni tecniche e operative fornite in passato da SESAR possano ridurre ulteriormente l’impronta ambientale dell’aviazione, così da consentire la realizzazione di modalità di trasporto più sostenibili. Il progetto seguirà un approccio olistico per includere tutte le fasi del volo e occuparsi degli aspetti operativi e tecnologici dell’aviazione e della gestione del traffico aereo.


Mobility and transportation are at the heart of our society which facilitate access to jobs, goods and services. And because air travel is one of the fastest and most progressive branches of the transportation sector it is also exposed to large visibility and strong European and worldwide pressure on sustainability.
ALBATROSS is a wide scale initiative of major European aviation stakeholder groups to demonstrate how the technical and operational R&D achievements of the past years can transform the current fuel intensive aviation to an environment-friendly industry sector.
To reach this goal ALBATROSS follows a holistic approach by covering all flight phases, directly involving all relevant stakeholder groups (such as Airlines, ANSPs, Network Manager, Airports and Industries) and addressing both operational and technological aspects of aviation and Air Traffic Management (ATM). The project will demonstrate the complementary of some solutions, from alternative aircraft fuel to enhanced ATM and Airspace Users operations on the ground, TMA and en-route. To foster increased flexibility and scalability the demonstrated approaches will also leverage cutting-edge technologies, such modern as air-ground connectivity means, and novel highly collaborative ATM procedures.
The possibilities of implementing a “Flight with Zero waste of Fuel and CO2 emissions” will be explored and extensively demonstrated in real conditions, through a series of live trials in various European operating environments. The demonstrations will span through a period of several months and will utilize over 1000 demonstration flights, which will be supported by Air France, Novair, Lufthansa, Wizz Air and Swiss on Airbus and Boeing aircraft, 2 Airports and major ANSPs. During this effort a strong pressure will be put on objective measurability and representativeness of the results, built on systematic data collection, utilizing Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 131 200,00
31060 Toulouse

Mostra sulla mappa

Occitanie Midi-Pyrénées Haute-Garonne
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 222 500,00

Partecipanti (19)