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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Reconfigurable Intelligent Sustainable Environments for 6G Wireless Networks


Multi-user techniques and connectivity of RIS based communication and mobile edge computing (Intermediary Specifications)

Intermediate specifications form T4.2, T4.3, T4.4

Algorithms for RIS-based localisation and sensing (Intermediary Specifications)

This intermediate report summarized initial results from T5.2

RISE-6G RISE environment final model

provides the final models T3.1 and T3.3

Final results on the platform integration and validation

describes the final outcomes of T7.1.

RIS designs, and first prototypes characterization

contains descriptions of T3.2 designs

Reference system, scenarios and use cases analysis: first results

contains first results on reference scenarios and use case selection from T2.1.

RISE network architectures and deployment strategies analysis: first result

provides architectures for use in WP4-7 as an output of T2.3

Quality plan

contains a detailed quality plan giving the project guidelines, communication practices, preparation and delivery of progress reports, etc

Dissemination plan and project website

This deliverable will provide a detailed plan for dissemination activities of the project and details on project website and other dissemination media adopted by the project.

Estimation Algorithms for RIS-based localisation, mapping and sensing (Final Specifications)

This intermediate report summarized initial results from T5.2

Deployment and control strategies of RIS based connectivity (Intermediary Specifications)

Intermediate specification from T41

Multi-user techniques and connectivity of RIS based communication and mobile edge computing (Final Specifications)

Final Specifications from T4.2, T4.3, T4.4

Integration methodology and impact measurements through advanced KPIs

summarizes the preliminary results of T7.1.

Intermediate dissemination and standardisation activity report

This deliverable will describe the status and updated plan for the project’s dissemination activities and training, PoC design, and standardization activities carried out during the first half of the project duration

Final project management report

contains a summary of the main scientific and technical results, the tangible outputs and achievements, potential socio-technological and socioeconomic impacts, dissemination and exploitation results of the project

Metrics and KPIs for RISE wireless systems analysis: final results

contains final KPIs from T22

Final results of public demonstrations

describes the final results of field trials T7.2-7.3

Network architectures & deployment strategies with RIS for enhanced EE, EMFEE and SSE (Intermediary Specifications)

summarizes the intermediate results of T61

Metrics and KPIs for RISE wireless systems analysis: first results

contains preliminary KPIs from T22

Preliminary RIS model and measurement campaigns

contains outcomes of measurements and initial models from T31 and T33

Final dissemination and standardisation activity report

This deliverable will describe the final status for the project’s dissemination activities and training, proof-of-concept design, and standardization activities.

Standardisation Action Plan

This deliverable will include the detailed plan for standardization in 3GPP ITU ETSI and possibly in other standardization bodies as appropriate The plan will be revised on a yearly basis if needed

Control for RIS-based localisation and sensing (Intermediary Specifications)

This intermediate report summarized initial results from T5.1.

Sustainable RIS solutions design for EE, EMFEE and SSE (Final Specifications)

summarizes the final results of T6.2 and T6.3.

RISE network architectures and deployment strategies analysis: final results

accounts for the refined architectures from WP4-6 as well as lessons learned from the field trials in WP7.

Control for RIS-based localisation, mapping and sensing (Final Specifications)

This intermediate report summarized initial results from T5.1.

Deployment and control strategies of RIS based connectivity (Final Specifications)

Final Specifications from T4.1

Sustainable RIS solutions design for EE, EMFEE and SSE (Intermediary Specifications)

summarizes the intermediate results of T6.2 and T6.3.

Final report on exploitation of knowledge and results

This deliverable will indicate how industry will exploit the results developed during the project’s lifetime

Reference system, scenarios and use cases analysis: final results

contains final use cases and scenarios from T21

First project management periodic report

includes the first half of the project’s technical work description and financial monitoring, at the project level and at each WP level. It will include the description of the technical contributions from each partner over the reporting period, as well as the action plan and revised risk management plans.

Optimised RIS prototypes for PoCs and model assessment

describes the final prototypes and their performance characterization from T3.2, as well as final models from T3.3

Network architectures & deployment strategies with RIS for enhanced EE, EMFEE and SSE (Final Specifications)

summarizes the intermediate results of T6.1.

Data Management Plan

Data Management Plan. This deliverable describes the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by the Horizon 2020 project RISE-6G.


Modeling and Optimization of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in Propagation Environments with Scattering Objects

Autoren: Placido Mursia, Sendy Phang, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Gabriele Gradoni, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: arXiv, 2023
Herausgeber: arXiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2302.01739

Hybrid Reconfigurable Intelligent Metasurfaces: Enabling Simultaneous Tunable Reflections and Sensing for 6G Wireless Communications

Autoren: George C. Alexandropoulos, Nir Shlezinger, Idban Alamzadeh, Mohammadreza F. Imani, Haiyang Zhang, Yonina C. Eldar
Veröffentlicht in: ArXiv, 2021
Herausgeber: arXiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2104.04690

Tensor-based Channel Tracking for RIS-Empowered Multi-User MIMO Wireless Systems

Autoren: Jide Yuan, George C. Alexandropoulos, Eleftherios Kofidis, Tobias Lindstrm Jensen, Elisabeth De Carvalho
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2022
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2202.08315

RIS-Enabled Smart Wireless Environments: Deployment Scenarios, Network Architecture, Bandwidth and Area of Influence

Autoren: George C. Alexandropoulos, Dinh-Thuy Phan-Huy, Kostantinos D. Katsanos, Maurizio Crozzoli, Henk Wymeersch, Petar Popovski, Philippe Ratajczak, Yohann Bénédic, Marie-Helene Hamon, Sebastien Herraiz Gonzalez, Placido Mursia, Marco Rossanese, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Jean-Baptiste Gros, Sergio Terranova, Gabriele Gradoni, Paolo Di Lorenzo, Moustafa Rahal, Benoit Denis, Raffaele D'Errico, Antonio Cle
Veröffentlicht in: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, to appear., 2024
Herausgeber: arxiv

Randomized Control of Wireless Temporal Coherence via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

Autoren: J.H.I. de Souza, V. Croisfelt, F. Saggese, T. Abrão, and P. Popovski
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2023
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2302.00074

Integration of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in Dynamical Energy Analysis

Autoren: Sergio Terranova, Martin Richter, Neekar M Mohammed, Gabriele Gradoni, Gregor Tanner
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2022
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2209.06718

Jointly Optimal RIS Placement and Power Allocation for Underlay D2D Communications: An Outage Probability Minimization Approach

Autoren: Sarbani Ghose, Deepak Mishra, Santi P. Maity, George C. Alexandropoulos
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, to appear, 2024
Herausgeber: arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2312.13622

Efficient URLLC with a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface and Imperfect Device Tracking

Autoren: • F. Saggese, F. Chiariotti, K. Kansanen, and P. Popovski
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2023
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2211.09171

Digital Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: On the Impact of Realistic Reradiation Models

Autoren: Marco Di Renzo, Abdelhamed Ahmed, Alessio Zappone, Vincenzo Galdi, Gabriele Gradoni, Massimo Moccia, Giuseppe Castaldi
Veröffentlicht in: arXiv, 2022
Herausgeber: arXiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2205.09799

Non-Coherent Modulation for RIS-Empowered Multi-Antenna OFDM Communications

Autoren: Kun Chen-Hu, George C. Alexandropoulos, Ana García Armada
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2021
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2103.05547

Integrated sensing and communications with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces

Autoren: S. Prabhakar Chepuri, N. Shlezinger, F. Liu, G. C. Alexandropoulos, S. Buzzi, and Y. C. Eldar
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, to appear, 2024
Herausgeber: arxiv

Radio Sensing with Large Intelligent Surface for 6G

Autoren: J. Vaca-Rubio, P. Ramirez-Espinosa, K. Kansanen, Z.-H. Tan and E. de Carvalho
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2022
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2111.02783

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Bluetooth Low Energy Link in Metal Enclosure

Autoren: Mir Lodro, Gabriele Gradoni, Jean-Baptiste Gros, Steve Greedy, Geoffroy Lerosey
Veröffentlicht in: Frontiers in Communications and Networks, 2021
Herausgeber: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/frcmn.2021.733637

Near-Field Hierarchical Beam Management for RIS-Enabled Millimeter Wave Multi-Antenna Systems

Autoren: H. Vincent Poor; Robert Schober; Vahid Jamali; George C. Alexandropoulos
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, Ausgabe 1, 2022
Herausgeber: ARXIV
DOI: 10.1109/sam53842.2022.9827873

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-assisted Classification of Modulations using Deep Learning

Autoren: Mir Lodro, Hamidreza Taghvaee, Jean Baptiste Gros, Steve Greedy, Geofrroy Lerosey, Gabriele Gradoni
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2022
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2209.08388

OnRMap: An Online Radio Mapping Approach for Large Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: H.L., Santos, V. Croisfelt, C.J. Vaca-Rubio, T. Abrão, and P. Popovski
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2023
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2302.02638

Experimental Evaluation of Multi-operator RIS-assisted Links in Indoor Environment

Autoren: Mir Lodro, Jean-Baptiste Gros, Steve Greedy, Geoffroy Lerosey, Anas Al Rawi, Gabriele Gradoni
Veröffentlicht in: arXiv, 2022
Herausgeber: arXiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2206.07788

Random Access Protocol with Channel Oracle Enabled by a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

Autoren: V. Croisfelt, F. Saggese, I. Leyva-Mayorga, R. Kotaba, G. Gradoni, P. Popovski
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2022
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2210.04230

On the Enabling of Multi-receiver Communications with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Hamidreza Taghvaee, Akshay Jain, Sergi Abadal, Gabriele Gradoni, Eduard Alarcón, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2022
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2106.06789

Model-free Optimization and Experimental Validation of RIS-assisted Wireless Communications under Rich Multipath Fading

Autoren: Tianrui Chen, Minglei You, Yangyishi Zhang, Gan Zheng, Jean Baptiste Gros, Geoffroy Lerosey, Youssef Nasser, Fraser Burton, Gabriele Gradoni
Veröffentlicht in: arXiv, 2023
Herausgeber: arXiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2302.10561

Smart Surface Radio Environments

Autoren: Gabriele Gradoni, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: Reviews of Electromagnetics, Ausgabe Vol. I, 2022, 2022
Herausgeber: EurAAP
DOI: 10.53792/roe/2022.1/21012

End-to-End Mutual Coupling Aware Communication Model for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: An Electromagnetic-Compliant Approach Based on Mutual Impedances

Autoren: Gabriele Gradoni, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2020
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2009.02694

Smart Radio Environments

Autoren: Gabriele Gradoni, Marco Di Renzo, Ana Diaz-Rubio, Sergei Tretyakov, Christophe Caloz, Zhen Peng, Andrea Alu, Geoffroy Lerosey, Mathias Fink, Vincenzo Galdi, Tie Jun Cui, Benjamin Frazier, Steven Anlage, Marco Salucci, Andrea Massa, Qiang Cheng, Jinghe Wang, Shi Jin, Davide Dardari, Nicolo Decarli, Okan Yurduseven, Michail Matthaiou, Mitchell Kenney, George Gordon, Orestis Georgiou, Cam Ly Nguyen,
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2021
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2111.08676

Multi-path fading and interference mitigation with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Jean Baptiste Gros, Geoffroy Lerosey, Fabrice Lemoult, Mir Lodro, Steve Greedy, Gabriele Gradoni
Veröffentlicht in: arXiv, 2022
Herausgeber: arXiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2206.08290

Electromagnetic Illusion in Smart Environments

Autoren: Hamidreza Taghvaee, Mir Lodro, Neekar M Mohammed, Sergio Terranova, Sendy Phang, Martin Richter, Gabriele Gradoni
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, 2022
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2209.04721

Toward multifunctional electronically reconfigurable electromagnetic surfaces for Ka-band antennas

Autoren: F. Foglia Manzillo, R. Madi, S. Gharbieh, R. Sauleau, and A. Clemente
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propag. (APS-URSI 2023), 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE

Unlocking Metasurface Practicality for B5G Networks: AI-assisted RIS Planning

Autoren: Guillermo Encinas-Lago, Antonio Albanese, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Marco Di Renzo, Xavier Costa-Pérez
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Global Communications Conference 2023 (GLOBECOM), 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2310.10330

Dynamic Metasurface Antennas for Energy Efficient Uplink Massive MIMO Communications

Autoren: Jie Xu, Li You, George C. Alexandropoulos, Jue Wang, Wenjin Wang, Xiqi Gao
Veröffentlicht in: 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2021
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/globecom46510.2021.9685389

RIS-enabled mmWave Channel Sounding Based on Electronically Reconfigurable Transmitarrays

Autoren: A. Mudonhi, M. Lotti, A. Clemente, R. D’Errico and C. Oestges
Veröffentlicht in: 2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2021, 2021
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/eucap51087.2021.9411218

Reconfigurable transmitarrays at Ka-band with beam-forming and polarization agility

Autoren: A. Clemente, R. Madi, F. Foglia Manzillo, M. Smierzchalski, J. Reverdy, and R. Sauleau
Veröffentlicht in: 17th European Conf. on Antennas and Propag. (EuCAP 2023), 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE, EurAAP

Electromagnetic validation of an end-to-end communication model for reconfigurable intelligent surfaces based on mutual impedances

Autoren: S. Terranova, S. Gharbieh, M. Bouslama, A. Clemente, R. D’Errico, J. B. Gros, G. Lerosey, M. Di Renzo, and G. Gradoni
Veröffentlicht in: 3rd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-AP-RASC 2022), 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE

Deep Contextual Bandits for Orchestrating Multi-User MISO Systems with Multiple RISs

Autoren: Kyriakos Stylianopoulos, George Alexandropoulos, Chongwen Huang, Chau Yuen, Mehdi Bennis, and Mérouane Debbah
Veröffentlicht in: ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE

RIS-Enabled Localization Continuity Under Near-Field Conditions

Autoren: Moustafa Rahal, Benoit Denis, Kamran Keykhosravi, Bernard Uguen, Henk Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE SPAWC, 2021, ISBN 978-1-6654-2851-4
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/spawc51858.2021.9593200

Distributed Sum-Rate Maximization of Cellular Communications with Multiple Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: K. Katsanos, P. Di Lorenzo, and G. Alexandropoulos
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE SPAWC 2022, 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/spawc51304.2022.9833924

Bi-Static Sensing for Near-Field RIS Localization

Autoren: Reza Ghazalian, Kamran Keykhosravi, Hui Chen, Henk Wymeersch, Riku Jäntti
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Globecom, 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE

Wideband Multi-User MIMO Communications with Frequency Selective RISs: Element Response Modeling and Sum-Rate Maximization

Autoren: Katsanos, Konstantinos D.; Shlezinger, Nir; Imani, Mohammadreza F.; Alexandropoulos, George C.
Veröffentlicht in: Arxiv, Ausgabe 1, 2022
Herausgeber: Arxiv
DOI: 10.1109/iccworkshops53468.2022.9814515

Test of 5G System in the Reverberation Chamber at mm-wave

Autoren: Davide Micheli, Riccardo Diamanti, Luca Bastianelli, Emanuel Colella, Valter Mariani Primiani, Franco Moglie, Andrea Allasia, Maurizio Crozzoli, Michele Colombo
Veröffentlicht in: 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2023, ISBN 978-1-6654-7541-9
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/eucap57121.2023.10133586

On the Impact of Hardware Impairments on RIS-aided Localization

Autoren: Cuneyd Ozturk, Musa Furkan Keskin, Henk Wymeersch, Sinan Gezici
Veröffentlicht in: ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Ausgabe 16-20 May 2022, 2022, Seite(n) N/A, ISBN 978-1-5386-8347-7
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icc45855.2022.9838889

Misspecified Cramér-Rao Bound of RIS-Aided Localization Under Geometry Mismatch

Autoren: Pinjun Zheng, Hui Chen, Tarig Ballal, Henk Wymeersch, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE ICASSP, 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icassp49357.2023.10096904

Spatial Secrecy Spectral Efficiency Optimization Enabled by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Konstantinos D. Katsanos, George C. Alexandropoulos
Veröffentlicht in: European Signal Processing Conference, 2023
Herausgeber: European Association for Signal Processing
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2306.11024

Data-driven Analysis of the Cost-Performance Trade-off of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in a Production Network

Autoren: Marco Rossanese, Andres Garcia-Saavedra, Andra Elena Lutu, and Xavier Costa Perez
Veröffentlicht in: ACM CoNEXT, Ausgabe Article 12 (December 2023), 2023, Seite(n) 20 Pages
Herausgeber: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3629134

A Random Access Protocol for RIS-Aided Wireless Communications

Autoren: V. Croisfelt, F. Saggese, I. Leyva-Mayorga, R. Kotaba, G. Gradoni, P. Popovski
Veröffentlicht in: 2022 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communication (SPAWC), 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/spawc51304.2022.9833984

Wireless Environment as a Service Enabled by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: The RISE-6G Perspective

Autoren: E. C. Strinati, G. C. Alexandropoulos, V. Sciancalepore, M. Di Renzo, H. Wymeersch, D-T Phan-huy, M. Crozzoli, R. D’Errico, E. De Carvalho, P. Popovski, P. Di Lorenzo, L. Bastianelli, M. Belouar, J. E. Mascolo, G. Gradoni, S. Phang, G. Lerosey, B. Denis
Veröffentlicht in: Joint EuCNC & 6G Summit, 2021
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/eucnc/6gsummit51104.2021.9482474

Near Field Optimization Algorithm for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

Autoren: Emanuel Colella, Luca Bastianelli, Franco Moglie, Valter Mariani Primiani
Veröffentlicht in: 2023 XXXVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), 2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-0997-3
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/ursigass57860.2023.10265515

IRS-Assisted Massive MIMO-NOMA Networks with Polarization Diversity

Autoren: A. S. de Sena, P. H. J. Nardelli, D. B. da Costa, F. R. M. Lima, L. Yang, P. Popovski, Z. Ding, C. B. Papadias
Veröffentlicht in: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), 2021
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/iccworkshops50388.2021.9473595

Online RIS Configuration Learning for Arbitrary Large Numbers of 1-Bit Phase Resolution Elements

Autoren: Kyriakos Stylianopoulos, George C. Alexandropoulos
Veröffentlicht in: 2022 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communication (SPAWC), 2022, ISBN 978-1-6654-9455-7
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/spawc51304.2022.9833930

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Design Using PIN Diodes via Rotation Technique - Proof of Concept

Autoren: S. Gharbieh, R. D’Errico, and A. Clemente
Veröffentlicht in: 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2023), 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE, EuRAAP

Dynamic Mobile Edge Computing empowered with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: P. Di Lorenzo, M. Merluzzi, E. Calvanese Strinati
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE SPAWC 2021, 2021
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/spawc51858.2021.9593253

FDTD Full Wave Simulations of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Emanuel Colella, Luca Bastianelli, Valter Mariani Primiani, Franco Moglie
Veröffentlicht in: 2023 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe, 2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-2401-3
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/emceurope57790.2023.10274286

RIS Position and Orientation Estimation via Multi-Carrier Transmissions and Multiple Receivers

Autoren: Reza Ghazalian, Hui Chen, George C. Alexandropoulos, Gonzalo Seco-Granados, Henk Wymeersch, and Riku Jäntti
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE ICC, 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icc45041.2023.10279731

A Novel RIS-Aided EMF Exposure Aware Approach Using an Angularly Equalized Virtual Propagation Channel

Autoren: N. Awarkeh, D.-T. Phan-Huy, M. di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: EuCNC & 6G Summit, 2022
Herausgeber: Online
DOI: 10.1109/eucnc/6gsummit54941.2022.9815608

Arbitrary Beam Pattern Approximation via RISs with Measured Element Responses

Autoren: Moustafa Rahal, Benoît Denis, Kamran Keykhosravi, Furkan Keskin, Bernard Uguen, George C. Alexandropoulos, Henk Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: 2022 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit), 2022
Herausgeber: 978-1-6654-9871-5
DOI: 10.1109/eucnc/6gsummit54941.2022.9815624

Blue Communications for Edge Computing: the Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Opportunity

Autoren: Fatima Ezzahra Airod, Mattia Merluzzi, Antonio Clemente, Emilio Calvanese Strinati
Veröffentlicht in: 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE

A Novel RIS-Aided EMF-Aware Beamforming Using Directional Spreading, Truncation and Boosting

Autoren: N. Awarkeh, D.-T. Phan-Huy, R. Visoz, M. di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: EuCNC & 6G Summit, 2022
Herausgeber: Online
DOI: 10.1109/eucnc/6gsummit54941.2022.9815800

Non-Coherent MIMO-OFDM Uplink empowered by the Spatial Diversity in Reflecting Surfaces

Autoren: Kun Chen-Hu, George C. Alexandropoulos, Ana García Armada
Veröffentlicht in: 2022 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE

Creating and Operating Areas With Reduced Electromagnetic Field Exposure Thanks to Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: D.-T. Phan-Huy, Y. Bénédic, S. Herraiz Gonzalez, P. Ratajczak
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE SPAWC, 2022
Herausgeber: Online
DOI: 10.1109/spawc51304.2022.9833964

Impact of a Transmitting-RIS on the Geometrical Structure of Indoor mmWave Channels

Autoren: A. Mudonhi, M. Lotti, A. Clemente, R. D'Errico and C. Oestges
Veröffentlicht in: 2022 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2022, 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/eucap53622.2022.9769090

Lyapunov-Driven Deep Reinforcement Learning For Edge Inference Empowered By Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: K. Stylianopoulos, M. Merluzzi, P. Di Lorenzo, and G. C. Alexandropoulos
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE ICASSP 2023, 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE

A Leakage-based Method for Mitigation of Faulty Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: N. Moghadas Gholian, M. Rossanese, P. Mursia, A. Garcia-Saavedra, A. Asadi, V. Sciancalepore, X. Costa-Pérez
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Global Communications Conference 2023 (GLOBECOM), 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2311.00527

Safeguarding MIMO Communications with Reconfigurable Metasurfaces and Artificial Noise

Autoren: G. Alexandropoulos, Konstantinos Katsanos, Miaowen Wen, D. B. D. Costa
Veröffentlicht in: ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2021, Seite(n) 1-6
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icc42927.2021.9501003

RIS-Aided Monostatic Sensing and Object Detection with Single and Double Bounce Multipath

Autoren: Hyowon Kim, Alessio Fascista, Hui Chen, Yu Ge, George C. Alexandropoulos, Gonzalo Seco-Granados, Henk Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/iccworkshops57953.2023.10283494

Constrained RIS Phase Profile Optimization and Time Sharing for Near-field Localization

Autoren: Moustafa Rahal, Benoît Denis, Kamran Keykhosravi, Furkan Keskin, Bernard Uguen, Henk Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: 2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2022-Spring), 2022, ISBN 978-1-6654-8243-1
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/vtc2022-spring54318.2022.9860413

EMF-Aware MU-MIMO Beamforming in RIS-Aided Cellular Networks

Autoren: Y. Yu, R. Ibrahim, D.-T. Phan Huy
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Globecom, 2022
Herausgeber: Online
DOI: 10.1109/globecom48099.2022.10001691

RIS-Enabled Self-Localization: Leveraging Controllable Reflections with Zero Access Points

Autoren: Kamran Keykhosravi, Gonzalo Seco-Granados, George C. Alexandropoulos, Henk Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2022, ISBN 978-1-5386-8347-7
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icc45855.2022.9839225

Designing, Building, and Characterizing RF Switch-based Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Marco Rossanese; Placido Mursia; Andres Garcia-Saavedra; Vincenzo Sciancalepore; Arash Asadi; Xavier Costa-Perez
Veröffentlicht in: ACM WiNTECH 2022, 2022
Herausgeber: Association for Computing Machinery New York, NY, United States
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2207.07121

Tunable Graphene-based Metasurfaces for Multi-Wideband 6G Communications

Autoren: H. Taghvaee, A. Pitilakis, O. Tsilipakos, A. C. Tasolamprou, N. V. Kantartzis, M. Kafesaki, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, E. Alarcon, S. Abadal and G. Gradoni
Veröffentlicht in: 16th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena- Metamaterials 2022 Siena, Italy, 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/metamaterials54993.2022.9920752

Dynamic Resource Optimization for Adaptive Federated Learning empowered by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: C. Battiloro, M. Merluzzi, P. Di Lorenzo, and S. Barbarossa
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE ICASSP 2022, 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icassp43922.2022.9746891

Reconfigurable Surfaces for Wireless Communications

Autoren: Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 1, 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7430186

Mm-Wave Massive MIMO Channel Sounding in Industrial IoT Scenarios

Autoren: A. Mudonhi, G. Makhoul, M. Lotti, R. D’Errico and C. Oestges
Veröffentlicht in: 2022 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit),, 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/eucnc/6gsummit54941.2022.9815573

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Mobile Edge Computing over Intermittent mmWave Links

Autoren: F. Ezzahra Airod, M. Merluzzi, P. Di Lorenzo, and E. Calvanese Strinati
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE SPAWC 2022, 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/spawc51304.2022.9833958

Power Minimizing MEC Offloading with QoS Constraints over RIS-Empowered Communications

Autoren: M. Merluzzi, F. Costanzo, K. Katsanos, G. Alexandropoulos, P. Di Lorenzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Globecom 2022, 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE

Reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted ambient backscatter communications – Experimental assessment

Autoren: R. Fara, D.-T. Phan-Huy, P. Ratajczak, A. Ourir, M. Di Renzo, J. De Rosny
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE ICC, 2021
Herausgeber: Online
DOI: 10.1109/iccworkshops50388.2021.9473842

Capacity Optimization using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: A Large System Approach

Autoren: A. L. Moustakas, G. C. Alexandropoulos, M. Debbah
Veröffentlicht in: 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/globecom46510.2021.9685375

Simultaneous RIS Tuning and Differential Data Transmission for MISO OFDM Wireless Systems

Autoren: Kun Chen-Hu; George C. Alexandropoulos; Ana García Armada
Veröffentlicht in: GLOBECOM, 2022
Herausgeber: GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference
DOI: 10.1109/globecom48099.2022.10000904

Channel Estimation with Simultaneous Reflecting and Sensing Reconfigurable Intelligent Metasurfaces

Autoren: H. Zhang, N. Shlezinger, I. Alamzadeh, G. C. Alexandropoulos, M. F. Imani, Y. C. Eldar,
Veröffentlicht in: 2021 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 2021
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/spawc51858.2021.9593172

Electromagnetic Field Exposure Avoidance thanks to Non-Intended User Equipment and RIS

Autoren: H. Guo, T. Svensson, D.-T. Phan Huy
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Globecom Workshops, 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE

Autoregressive Attention Neural Networks for Non-Line-of-Sight User Tracking with Dynamic Metasurface Antennas

Autoren: Kyriakos Stylianopoulos, Murat Bayraktar, Nuria González Prelcic, George C. Alexandropoulos
Veröffentlicht in: 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP 2023), 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2310.19767

Deep-Learning-Assisted Configuration of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in Dynamic rich-scattering Environments

Autoren: Kyriakos Stylianopoulos, Nir Shlezinger, Philipp del Hougne, George C. Alexandropoulos
Veröffentlicht in: ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icassp43922.2022.9746311

Dual Gradient Descent EMF-Aware MU-MIMO Beamforming in RIS-Aided 6G Networks

Autoren: Y. Yu, R. Ibrahim, D.-T. Phan Huy
Veröffentlicht in: WiOpt, 2022
Herausgeber: Online
DOI: 10.23919/wiopt56218.2022.9930548

Joint User Localization and Location Calibration of A Hybrid Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

Autoren: Reza Ghazalian, Hui Chen, George C. Alexandropoulos, Gonzalo~Seco-Granados, Henk Wymeersch, and Riku Jäntti
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023, ISSN 0018-9545
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tvt.2023.3306936

Analysis and Optimization for RIS-Aided Multi-Pair Communications Relying on Statistical CSI

Autoren: Zhangjie Peng, Tianshu Li, Cunhua Pan, Hong Ren, Wei Xu, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, ISSN 0018-9545
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

What Will the Future of UAV Cellular Communications Be? A Flight from 5G to 6G

Autoren: Giovanni Geraci, Adrian Garcia-Rodriguez, M. Mahdi Azari, Angel Lozano, Marco Mezzavilla, Symeon Chatzinotas, Yun Chen, Sundeep Rangan, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2022, ISSN 1553-877X
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Optimization of RIS-aided MIMO Systems via the Cutoff Rate

Autoren: Nemanja Stefan Perović, Le-Nam Tran, Marco Di Renzo, Mark F. Flanagan
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2021, ISSN 2162-2337
Herausgeber: IEEE Communications Society

Reconfigurable, Intelligent, and Sustainable Wireless Environments for 6G Smart Connectivity

Autoren: Emilio Calvanese Strinati, George C. Alexandropoulos, Henk Wymeersch, Benoit Denis, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Raffaele D'Errico, Antonio Clemente, Dinh-Thuy Phan-Huy, Elisabeth De Carvalho, Petar Popovski
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Communications Magazine, 2021, ISSN 0163-6804
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/mcom.001.2100070

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems Over Spatially-Correlated Channels

Autoren: Trinh Van Chien, Hien Quoc Ngo, Symeon Chatzinotas, Marco Di Renzo, Björn Ottersten
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2022, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Aerial-Terrestrial Communications via Multi-Task Learning

Autoren: Xuelin Cao, Bo Yang, Chongwen Huang, Chau Yuen, Marco Di Renzo, Dusit Niyato, Zhu Han
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2021, ISSN 0733-8716
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Receive Quadrature Reflecting Modulation for RIS-Empowered Wireless Communications

Autoren: J. Yuan, M. Wen, Q. Li, E. Basar, G. C. Alexandropoulos, G. Chen
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Ausgabe Volume 70, Ausgabe 5, 2021, Seite(n) 5121 - 5125, ISSN 0018-9545
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tvt.2021.3073161

3D Localization with a Single Partially-Connected Receiving RIS: Positioning Error Analysis and Algorithmic Design

Autoren: Jiguang He, Aymen Fakhreddine, Charles Vanwynsberghe, Henk Wymeersch, George C. Alexandropoulos
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023, ISSN 0018-9545
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Passive and Privacy-Preserving Human Localization: A Social Distancing Approach Using Commercial Millimeter-Wave Access Points

Autoren: Francesco Devoti; Vincenzo Sciancalepore; Xavier Costa-Perez
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2022, Seite(n) 101 - 109, ISSN 1556-6080
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2209.03099

Path Loss Modeling and Measurements for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in the Millimeter-Wave Frequency Band

Autoren: Wankai Tang, Xiangyu Chen, Ming Zheng Chen, Jun Yan Dai, Yu Han, Marco Di Renzo, Shi Jin, Qiang Cheng, Tie Jun Cui
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022, ISSN 0090-6778
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Leveraging Secondary Reflections and Mitigating Interference in Multi-IRS/RIS Aided Wireless Networks

Autoren: Tu Nguyen, Diep Nguyen, Marco Di Renzo, Rui Zhang
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Single-RF MIMO: From Spatial Modulation to Metasurface-Based Modulation

Autoren: Qiang Li, Miaowen Wen, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Wireless Communications, 2021, ISSN 1536-1284
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

On the Path-Loss of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: An Approach Based on Green's Theorem Applied to Vector Fields

Autoren: Fadil H. Danufane, Marco Di Renzo, Julien de Rosny, Sergei Tretyakov
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021, ISSN 0090-6778
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Communication Models for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: From Surface Electromagnetics to Wireless Networks Optimization

Autoren: Marco Di Renzo, Fadil H. Danufane, Sergei Tretyakov
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the IEEE, 2022, ISSN 0018-9219
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Principles and Opportunities

Autoren: Yuanwei Liu, Xiao Liu, Xidong Mu, Tianwei Hou, Jiaqi Xu, Marco Di Renzo, Naofal Al-Dhahir
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2021, ISSN 1553-877X
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Channel Estimation for RIS-Aided Multiuser Millimeter-Wave Systems

Autoren: G. Zhou, C. Pan, H. Ren, P. Popovski, A. L. Swindlehurst
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Ausgabe Vol. 70, 2022, Seite(n) 1478 - 1492, ISSN 1053-587X
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tsp.2022.3158024

A Prototype of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface with Continuous Control of the Reflection Phase

Autoren: R. Fara, P. Ratajczak, D.-T. Phan-Huy; A. Ourir; M. Di Renzo; J. de Rosny
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE WCM, 2022, ISSN 1558-0687
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/mwc.007.00345

RIS-Enabled and Access-Point-Free Simultaneous Radio Localization and Mapping

Autoren: Hyowon Kim, Hui Chen, Musa Furkan Keskin, Yu Ge, Kamran Keykhosravi, George C. Alexandropoulos, Sunwoo Kim, and Henk Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/twc.2023.3307455

Semi-passive 3D positioning of multiple RIS-enabled users

Autoren: K. Keykhosravi, M. F. Keskin, S. Dwivedi, G. Seco-Granados, and H. Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Ausgabe Volume: 70, Ausgabe: 10, 2021, Seite(n) 11073 - 11077, ISSN 1939-9359
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/tvt.2021.3109786

Performance of RIS-aided near-field localization under beams approximation from real hardware characterization

Autoren: Moustafa Rahal, Benoît Denis, Kamran Keykhosravi, Musa Furkan Keskin, Bernard Uguen, George C. Alexandropoulos, Henk Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2023, ISSN 1687-1499
Herausgeber: European Association for Signal Processing
DOI: 10.1186/s13638-023-02294-9

PhysFad: Physics-Based End-to-End Channel Modeling of RIS-Parametrized Environments With Adjustable Fading

Autoren: Rashid Faqiri, Chloé Saigre-Tardif, George C. Alexandropoulos, Nir Shlezinger, Mohammadreza F. Imani, Philipp del Hougne
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023, ISSN 1558-2248
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/twc.2022.3196834

On Maximizing the Sum Secret Key Rate for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Multiuser Systems

Autoren: Guyue Li, Chen Sun, Wei Xu, Marco Di Renzo, Aiqun Hu
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2022, ISSN 1556-6013
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

On the Performance Analysis of RIS-Empowered Communications Over Nakagami-m Fading

Autoren: D. Selimis, K. P. Peppas, G. C. Alexandropoulos, F. I. Lazarakis
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Communications Letters, 2021, ISSN 1089-7798
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/lcomm.2021.3073981

Battery Recharging Time Models for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Wireless Power Transfer Systems

Autoren: Lina Mohjazi, Sami Muhaidat, Qammer H. Abbasi, Muhammad Ali Imran, Octavia A. Dobre, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2022, ISSN 2473-2400
Herausgeber: IEEE

Engineering Reflective Metasurfaces with Ising Hamiltonian and Quantum Annealing

Autoren: Charles Ross; Gabriele Gradoni; Qi Jian Lim; Zhen Peng
Veröffentlicht in: Transactions onAntennas & Propagation, Ausgabe vol 70, n°4, 2022, Seite(n) 2841-2854, ISSN 0018-926X
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tap.2021.3137424

Channel Estimation and Multipath Diversity Reception for RIS-Empowered Broadband Wireless Systems Based on Cyclic-Prefixed Single-Carrier Transmission

Autoren: Qiang Li; Miaowen Wen; Ertugrul Basar; George C. Alexandropoulos; Kyeong Jin Kim; H. Vincent Poor
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Federated Spectrum Learning for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces-Aided Wireless Edge Networks

Autoren: Bo Yang, Xuelin Cao, Chongwen Huang, Chau Yuen, Marco Di Renzo, Yong Liang Guan, Dusit Niyato, Lijun Qian, Merouane Debbah
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2022, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Power Control for Physical-Layer Broadcasting

Autoren: Huimei Han, Jun Zhao, Zehui Xiong, Dusit Niyato, Wenchao Zhai, Marco Di Renzo, Quoc-Viet Pham, Weidang Lu
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021, ISSN 0090-6778
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Beamforming Optimization for Active Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided SWIPT

Autoren: Ying Gao, Qingqing Wu, Guangchi Zhang, Wen Chen, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Learning to Estimate RIS-Aided mmWave Channels

Autoren: Jiguang He, Henk Wymeersch, Marco Di Renzo, Markku Juntti
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2022, ISSN 2162-2337
Herausgeber: IEEE Communications Society

MIMO Interference Channels Assisted by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Mutual Coupling Aware Sum-Rate Optimization Based on a Mutual Impedance Channel Model

Autoren: Andrea Abrardo; Davide Dardari; Marco Di Renzo; Xuewen Qian
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Ausgabe Volume: 10, Ausgabe: 12, December 2021, 2021, Seite(n) 2624 - 2628, ISSN 2162-2337
Herausgeber: IEEE Communications Society
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2102.07155

Beyond 5G RIS mmWave Systems: Where Communication and Localization Meet

Autoren: J. He, F. Jiang, K. Keykhosravi, J. Kokkoniemi, H. Wymeersch, and M. Juntti
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Access, Ausgabe N/A, 2022, Seite(n) 68075 - 68084, ISSN 2169-3536
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2022.3186510

RIS-Aided Joint Localization and Synchronization With a Single-Antenna Receiver: Beamforming Design and Low-Complexity Estimation

Autoren: Alessio Fascista, Musa Furkan Keskin, Angelo Coluccia, Henk Wymeersch, Gonzalo Seco-Granados
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Ausgabe Volume: 16, Ausgabe: 5, August 2022, 2022, Seite(n) 1141 - 1156, ISSN 1932-4553
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/jstsp.2022.3177925

Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: Sum-Rate Optimization Based on Statistical CSI

Autoren: Andrea Abrardo, Davide Dardari, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021, ISSN 0090-6778
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Wireless communications empowered by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces: Model-based vs model-free channel estimation

Autoren: Li Wei, Chongwen Huang, George C. Alexandropoulos, Chau Yuen, Zhaoyang Zhang, Mérouane Debbah
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Information and Intelligence, 2021, ISSN 2949-7159
Herausgeber: Elsevier

An Overview of Signal Processing Techniques for RIS/IRS-aided Wireless Systems

Autoren: Cunhua Pan, Gui Zhou, Kangda Zhi, Sheng Hong, Tuo Wu, Yijin Pan, Hong Ren, Marco Di Renzo, A. Lee Swindlehurst, Rui Zhang, Angela Yingjun Zhang
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2022, ISSN 1932-4553
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Learning-based Prediction, Rendering and Transmission for Interactive Virtual Reality in RIS-Assisted Terahertz Networks

Autoren: Xiaonan Liu, Yansha Deng, Chong Han, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2022, ISSN 0733-8716
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

A Novel SCA-Based Method for Beamforming Optimization in IRS/RIS-Assisted MU-MISO Downlink

Autoren: Vaibhav Kumar, Rui Zhang, Marco Di Renzo, Le-Nam Tran
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2023, ISSN 2162-2337
Herausgeber: IEEE Communications Society

Differential Data-Aided Beam Training for RIS-Empowered Multi-Antenna Communications

Autoren: Kun Chen-Hu; George C. Alexandropoulos; Ana Garcia Armada
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Access, Ausgabe 10, 2022, Seite(n) 113200 - 113213, ISSN 2169-3536
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2022.3217204

A Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface with Integrated Sensing Capability

Autoren: I. Alamzadeh, G. C. Alexandropoulos, N. Shlezinger, M. F. Imani
Veröffentlicht in: Scientific Reports, 2021, ISSN 2045-2322
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-99722-x

MetaSensing: Intelligent Metasurface Assisted RF 3D Sensing by Deep Reinforcement Learning

Autoren: Jingzhi Hu, Hongliang Zhang, Kaigui Bian, Marco Di Renzo, Zhu Han, Lingyang Song
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2021, ISSN 0733-8716
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Leveraging RIS-Enabled Smart Signal Propagation for Solving Infeasible Localization Problems

Autoren: Kamran Keykhosravi, Benoit Denis, George C. Alexandropoulos, Zhongxia Simon He, Antonio Albanese, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Henk Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Ausgabe 18 (2), 2023, ISSN 1556-6072
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Energy Efficiency Optimization of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces with Electromagnetic Field Exposure Constraints

Autoren: Alessio Zappone, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2022, ISSN 1070-9908
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Achievable Rate Optimization for MIMO Systems with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Nemanja Stefan Perović, Le-Nam Tran, Marco Di Renzo, Mark F. Flanagan
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2021, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Low-to-Zero-Overhead IRS Reconfiguration: Decoupling Illumination and Channel Estimation

Autoren: Vahid Jamali, George C. Alexandropoulos, Robert Schober, H. Vincent Poor
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Communications Letters, 2022, ISSN 1558-2558
Herausgeber: IEEE

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: A signal processing perspective with wireless applications

Autoren: E. Björnson, H. Wymeersch, B. Matthiesen, P. Popovski, L. Sanguinetti and E. de Carvalho
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Ausgabe Vol. 39, No. 2, 2022, ISSN 1053-5888
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/msp.2021.3130549

Performance Evaluation and Diversity Analysis of RIS-Assisted Communications Over Generalized Fading Channels in the Presence of Phase Noise

Autoren: Imene Trigui, Wessam Ajib, Wei-Ping Zhu, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022, ISSN 2644-125X
Herausgeber: IEEE

On the Maximum Achievable Sum-rate of the RIS-aided MIMO Broadcast Channel

Autoren: Nemanja Stefan Perović, Le-Nam Tran, Marco Di Renzo, Mark F. Flanagan
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2022, ISSN 1053-587X
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Fairness-Oriented Multiple RISs-Aided MmWave Transmission: Stochastic Optimization Methods

Autoren: Gui Zhou, Cunhua Pan, Hong Ren, Kezhi Wang, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2022, ISSN 1053-587X
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Impatient Queuing for Intelligent Task Offloading in Multi-Access Edge Computing

Autoren: B. Han, V. Sciancalepore, Y. Xu, D. Feng and H. D. Schotten
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Ausgabe n.1, vol.22, 2023, Seite(n) 59-72, ISSN 1558-2248
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/twc.2022.3191287

Non-coherent modulation with random phase configurations in RIS-empowered cellular MIMO systems

Autoren: Kun Chen.Hu, G. C. Alexandropoulos, Ana Garcia Armada
Veröffentlicht in: ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, 2023, ISSN 2616-8375
Herausgeber: International Telecommunication Union
DOI: 10.52953/izly2764

Wireless Fingerprinting Localization in Smart Environments Using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Cam Ly Nguyen, Orestis Georgiou, Gabriele Gradoni, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Access, 2021, Seite(n) 135526 - 135541, ISSN 2169-3536
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2021.3115596

Experimental Investigation of 5G Base Station Functionalities in Reverberation Chamber at Millimeter-Wave

Autoren: Michele Colombo, Riccardo Diamanti, Luca Bastianelli, Gabriele Gradoni, Emanuel Colella, Valter Mariani Primiani, Franco Moglie, Davide Micheli
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Access, 2023, ISSN 2169-3536
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2023.3328583

Multi-Hop RIS-Empowered Terahertz Communications: A DRL-Based Hybrid Beamforming Design

Autoren: C. Huang, Z. Yang, G. C. Alexandropoulos, K. Xiong, L. Wei, C. Yuen, Z. Zhang
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2021, Seite(n) 1663 - 1677, ISSN 0733-8716
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/jsac.2021.3071836

Spectrum Learning-Aided Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 'Green' 6G Networks

Autoren: Bo Yang, Xuelin Cao, Chongwen Huang, Yong Liang Guan, Chau Yuen, Marco Di Renzo, Dusit Niyato, Merouane Debbah, Lajos Hanzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Network, 2021, ISSN 0890-8044
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Bi-objective Optimization of Information Rate and Harvested Power in RIS-aided SWIPT Systems

Autoren: Abdelhamed Mohamed, A. Zappone, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2022, ISSN 2162-2337
Herausgeber: IEEE Communications Society

Performance Analysis of RIS-Aided Systems With Practical Phase Shift and Amplitude Response

Autoren: Yan Zhang, Jiayi Zhang, Marco Di Renzo, Huahua Xiao , Bo Ai
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, ISSN 0018-9545
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Holographic Integrated Sensing and Communications: Principles, Technology, and Implementation

Autoren: Haobo Zhang, Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, Lingyang Song
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2022, ISSN 0733-8716
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Robust Secure UAV Communications with the Aid of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Li Sixian, Duo Bin, Marco Di Renzo, Tao Meixia, Yuan Xiaojun
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2021, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Channel Estimation for RIS-Empowered Multi-User MISO Wireless Communications

Autoren: L. Wei, C. Huang, G. C. Alexandropoulos, A. M. Elbir, Z. Yang, C. Yuen, Z. Zhang, M. Di Renzo, M. Debbah,
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021, ISSN 0090-6778
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tcomm.2021.3063236

Terahertz Massive MIMO with Holographic Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Ziwei Wan, Zhen Gao, Feifei Gao, Marco Di Renzo, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021, ISSN 0090-6778
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces with Outdated Channel State Information: Centralized vs. Distributed Deployments

Autoren: Yan Zhang, Jiayi Zhang, Marco Di Renzo, Huahua Xiao, Bo Ai
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022, ISSN 0090-6778
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Intelligent Omni-Surface: Ubiquitous Wireless Transmission by Reflective-Transmissive Metasurface

Autoren: Shuhang Zhang, Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, Yunhua Tan, Marco Di Renzo, Zhu Han, H. Vincent Poor, Lingyang Song
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2022, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Aided mmWave NOMA: Joint Power Allocation,Phase Shifts, and Hybrid Beamforming Optimization

Autoren: Yue Xiu, Jun Zhao, Wei Sun, Marco Di Renzo, Guan Gui, Zhongpei Zhang, Ning Wei
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2021, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Frequency-Mixing Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for Nonlinear Wireless Propagation

Autoren: J. Yuan, E. De Carvalho, R. J. Williams, E. Björnson and P. Popovski
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Ausgabe Vol. 10, no. 8, 2021, Seite(n) 1672-1676, ISSN 2162-2337
Herausgeber: IEEE Communications Society
DOI: 10.1109/lwc.2021.3077085

Cooperative Multi-RIS Communications for Wideband mmWave MISO-OFDM Systems

Autoren: Muxin He, Wei Xu, Hong Shen, Guo Xie, Chunming Zhao, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, 2021, ISSN 2162-2337
Herausgeber: IEEE Communications Society

Intelligent Spectrum Learning for Wireless Networks with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Bo Yang, Xuelin Cao, Chongwen Huang, Chau Yuen, Lijun Qian, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, ISSN 0018-9545
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Mutual Coupling and Unit Cell Aware Optimization for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Xuewen Qian and Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, 2022, ISSN 2162-2337
Herausgeber: IEEE Communications Society

Two-Timescale Transmission Design and RIS Optimization for Integrated Localization and Communications

Autoren: Fan Jiang, Andrea Abrardo, Kamran Keykhoshravi, Henk Wymeersch, Davide Dardari, Marco Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/twc.2023.3264559

Pervasive Machine Learning for Smart Radio Environments Enabled by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: George C. Alexandropoulos; Kyriakos Stylianopoulos; Chongwen Huang; Chau Yuen; Mehdi Bennis; Merouane Debbah
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the IEEE, Ausgabe 110, 2022, Seite(n) 1494 - 1525, ISSN 1558-2256
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2205.03793

Assessing Wireless Sensing Potential With Large Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: C. J. Vaca-Rubio, P. Ramirez-Espinosa, K. Kansanen, Z. -H. Tan, E. De Carvalho and P. Popovski
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Ausgabe Vol. 2, 2021, Seite(n) 934 - 947, ISSN 2644-125X
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ojcoms.2021.3073467

Massive Access of Static and Mobile Users via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Protocol Design and Performance Analysis

Autoren: Xuelin Cao, Bo Yang, Chongwen Huang, George C. Alexandropoulos, Chau Yuen, Zhu Han, H. Vincent Poor, Lajos Hanzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2022, ISSN 0733-8716
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Uplink Achievable Rate Maximization for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Millimeter Wave Systems with Resolution-Adaptive ADCs

Autoren: Yue Xiu, Jun Zhao, Ertugrul Basar, Marco Di Renzo, Wei Sun, Guan Gui, Ning Wei
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2021, ISSN 2162-2337
Herausgeber: IEEE Communications Society

Counteracting Eavesdropper Attacks Through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: A New Threat Model and Secrecy Rate Optimization

Autoren: George C. Alexandropoulos, Konstantinos D. Katsanos, Miaowen Wen, Daniel B. da Costa
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2023, ISSN 2644-125X
Herausgeber: IEEE

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Rich Scattering Wireless Communications: Recent Experiments, Challenges, and Opportunities

Autoren: G. Alexandropoulos, Nir Shlezinger, P. Hougne
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Communications Magazine, 2021, ISSN 0163-6804
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/mcom.001.2001117

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Based Quadrature Reflection Modulation

Autoren: Shaoe Lin, Miaowen Wen, Marco Di Renzo, Fangjiong Chen
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2022, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 6G Systems: Principles, Applications, and Research Directions

Autoren: Cunhua Pan, Hong Ren, Kezhi Wang, Jonas Florentin Kolb, Maged Elkashlan, Ming Chen, Marco Di Renzo, Yang Hao, Jiangzhou Wang, A. Lee Swindlehurst, Xiaohu You, Lajos Hanzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Communications Magazine, 2021, ISSN 0163-6804
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Adaptive Coding and Channel Shaping Through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: An Information-Theoretic Analysis

Autoren: Roy Karasik, Osvaldo Simeone, Marco Di Renzo, Shlomo Shamai (Shitz)
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021, ISSN 0090-6778
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

RIS-Enabled SISO Localization under User Mobility and Spatial-Wideband Effects

Autoren: Kamran Keykhosravi, Musa Furkan Keskin, Gonzalo Seco-Granados, Petar Popovski, and Henk Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Ausgabe Volume: 16, Ausgabe: 5, 2022, Seite(n) 1125 - 1140, ISSN 1932-4553
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/jstsp.2022.3175036

Intelligent Omni-Surfaces: Reflection-Refraction Circuit Model, Full-Dimensional Beamforming, and System Implementation

Autoren: Shuhao Zeng, Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, Yuanwei Liu, Marco Di Renzo, Zhu Han, H. Vincent Poor, Lingyang Song
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022, ISSN 0090-6778
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces and Machine Learning for Wireless Fingerprinting Localization

Autoren: C. L. Nguyen, O. Georgiou, G. Gradoni and M. Di Renzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Access, 2021, ISSN 2169-3536
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

Surface-Based Techniques for IoT Networks: Opportunities and Challenges

Autoren: Alessio Zappone; Marco Di Renzo; Robert Kuku Fotock
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 2022, ISSN 2576-3180
Herausgeber: IEEE

Localization via Multiple Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Equipped with Single Receive RF Chains

Autoren: George C. Alexandropoulos, Ioanna Vinieratou, Henk Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2022, ISSN 2162-2337
Herausgeber: IEEE Communications Society
DOI: 10.1109/lwc.2022.3156427

Slepian eigenvalues as tunnelling rates

Autoren: Stephen C. Creagha, Gabriele Gradoni
Veröffentlicht in: Annals of Physics, Ausgabe Volume 449, 2023, ISSN 0003-4916
Herausgeber: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.aop.2022.169204

RISs and Sidelink Communications in Smart Cities: The Key to Seamless Localization and Sensing

Autoren: Hui Chen, Hyowon Kim, Mustafa Ammous, Gonzalo Seco-Granados, George C. Alexandropoulos, Shahrokh Valaee, Henk Wymeersch
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Communications Magazine, 2023, ISSN 0163-6804
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/mcom.001.2200970

Progressive Channel Estimation for Single-Carrier Communications Aided by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Qi Zheng; Miaowen Wen; Qiang Li; George C. Alexandropoulos
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2023, ISSN 2162-2345
Herausgeber: IEEE

Dynamic Edge Computing empowered by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Autoren: Paolo Di Lorenzo; Mattia Merluzzi; Emilio Calvanese Strinati; Sergio Barbarossa
Veröffentlicht in: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Ausgabe 122, 2022, ISSN 1687-1499
Herausgeber: Springer
DOI: 10.1186/s13638-022-02203-6

RIS-Aided Wireless Communications: Extra Degrees of Freedom via Rotation and Location Optimization

Autoren: Yajun Cheng, Wei Peng, Chongwen Huang, George C. Alexandropoulos, Chau Yuen, Mérouane Debbah
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

AI-Assisted MAC for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Wireless Networks: Challenges and Opportunities

Autoren: Xuelin Cao, Bo Yang, Chongwen Huang, Chau Yuen, Marco Di Renzo, Zhu Han, Dusit Niyato, H. Vincent Poor, Lajos Hanzo
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Communications Magazine, 2021, ISSN 0163-6804
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Intelligent Omni-Surfaces for Full-Dimensional Wireless Communications: Principle, Technology, and Implementation

Autoren: Hongliang Zhang, Shuhao Zeng, Boya Di, Yunhua Tan, Marco Di Renzo, Merouane Debbah, Lingyang Song, Zhu Han, H. Vincent Poor
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022, ISSN 0163-6804
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

RIS-aided Near-Field Localization under Phase-Dependent Amplitude Variations

Autoren: Cuneyd Ozturk; Musa Furkan Keskin; Henk Wymeersch; Sinan Gezici
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023, ISSN 1536-1276
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for wireless communications: Overview of hardware designs, channel models, and estimation techniques

Autoren: Mengnan Jian, George C. Alexandropoulos, Ertugrul Basar, Chongwen Huang, Ruiqi Liu, Yuanwei Liu, Chau Yuen
Veröffentlicht in: Intelligent and Converged Networks, 2022, ISSN 2708-6240
Herausgeber: Tsinghua University Press

Millimeter-Wave Multi-Channel Backscatter Communication and Ranging with an FMCW Radar

Autoren: Sining An, Xiangyuan Bu, Henk Wymeersch, Herbert Zirath and Zhongxia Simon He
Veröffentlicht in: Sensors, Ausgabe 2022, 22(19), 2022, ISSN 1424-8220
Herausgeber: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s22197104

LOKO: Localization-aware Roll-out Planning for Future Mobile Networks

Autoren: A. Antonio , V. Sciancalepore, A. Banchs, and X. Costa-Perez
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2022, ISSN 1558-0660
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/tmc.2022.3168076

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