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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Reconfigurable Intelligent Sustainable Environments for 6G Wireless Networks

Descripción del proyecto

Refuerzo de la visión B5G/6G

El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos RISE-6G se basa en los últimos avances en tecnología de superficies inteligentes reconfigurables para el control de la propagación de ondas de radio, con el objetivo de conseguir unos entornos inalámbricos programables de forma dinámica, inteligentes y sostenibles que vayan más allá de las capacidades del 5G desarrolladas en la versión 16 del proyecto de asociación de tercera generación (3GPP, del inglés 3rd Generation Partnership Project). El proyecto participará activamente en organismos de normalización y aportará su visión técnicamente avanzada a la explotación industrial prevista, de forma que garantizará el liderazgo tecnológico europeo y respaldará la creación de nuevos servicios concebidos en Europa, así como oportunidades empresariales en el ámbito de las comunicaciones más allá del 5G/6G.


Visions and plans on forthcoming B5G/6G networks aim to provide flexible connect-compute technologies to support future innovative services and uses cases. Considering the 2030 horizon, B5G/6G networks need to create the basis for human-centred smart societies and vertical industries. To this end, innovation is expected to: (a) support the long-term sustainable transformation of networks into a distributed smart connectivity infrastructure, where new terminal types are embedded in the environment; (b) provide the end-to-end connectivity-computation system with high flexibility and dynamism that accommodates future ever-evolving and heterogeneous applications, regulations and specific user-/service-/location-based needs.
RISE-6G vision builds on the latest advancements on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) technology for radio wave propagation control, in order to achieve intelligent, sustainable and dynamically programmable wireless environments that go well beyond the 5G capabilities developed under 3G PPP release 16.
RISE-6G objectives are to (i) define novel network architectures and operation strategies incorporating multiple RISs; (ii) characterize its fundamental limits capitalizing on proposed realistic and validated radio wave propagation models; (iii) devise solutions to enable online trade between high-capacity connectivity, Energy Efficiency, EMF exposure, and localization accuracy based on dynamically programmable wireless propagation environments, for legislation and regulation compliant spectrum use, data protection, and EMF emission; and (iv) prototype-benchmark proposed innovation via two complementary trials with verticals.
RISE-6G project is poised to actively participate in standardization bodies and bring its technically advanced vision into the planned industrial exploitation. This will secure the European technology leadership, supporting the creation of new European-conceived service and business opportunities in the B5G/6G global race

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 145 601,25
75015 PARIS 15

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 1 145 601,25

Participantes (13)