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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

International consortium for integrative genomics prediction

Descripción del proyecto

Aprovechamiento de la inteligencia artificial para predecir el riesgo genético de enfermedades comunes y raras

Cada persona contrae enfermedades y responde a los tratamientos de una forma diferente. Al alejarse de los métodos universales, la medicina personalizada busca obtener opciones terapéuticas adaptadas al perfil genético de las personas. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos INTERVENE desarrollará herramientas de próxima generación para la prevención de enfermedades, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento personalizado. INTERVENE utilizará potentes tecnologías de inteligencia artificial sobre un enorme y diverso conjunto de datos genómicos y de salud de los Estados Unidos y Europa para calcular puntuaciones de riesgo genético que permitan predecir en qué medida una persona es susceptible de sufrir una enfermedad en particular. Las puntuaciones de riesgo se evaluarán en ensayos clínicos centrados en enfermedades comunes con consecuencias devastadoras, como la diabetes, el cáncer y las enfermedades cardiovasculares. INTERVENE también desarrollará y probará el papel de las puntuaciones altas en diversas enfermedades raras, así como en la COVID-19 y su gravedad.


The aim of INTERVENE is to develop and test next generation tools for disease prevention, diagnosis, and personalised treatment utilizing the first US-European pool of genomic and health data and integrating longitudinal and disease-relevant -omics data into genetic risk scores. Resulting in unprecedented potential for prediction, diagnosis, and personalised treatments for complex and rare diseases. Some of the largest biobanks in Europe and two in the USA will be securely linked and harmonized in a GDPR-compliant repository with data from more than 1.7 million genomes. INTERVENE will demonstrate the potential and benefits of powerful AI technologies on the next generation of integrative genetic scores (IGS). The clinical and economic benefits of IGS will be evaluated in key disease areas with major public health burden. Here, the newly developed IGS will be taken into clinical environment and their real-world benefits will be evaluated together with clinical experts, European patients advocate groups and medical societies and considering regulatory and ethical implications. Thus, a framework for legally and ethically responsible translation into wider clinical practice will be developed. Moreover, the partners will develop and test the role of IGS in several rare diseases as well as COVID-19 infection and severity. Importantly, to support the application of IGS via public-private partnerships including clinical practitioners, an AI-enabled federated data analysis platform, the ‘IGS4EU’ platform, will be developed for automated IGS generation and interpretation for end-users. Additionally, the IGS4EU platform will allow access of the INTERVENE data and the methodology know-how to the AI community through a competition-based benchmarking environment. In the long term, the IGS4EU platform aims to grow the disease coverage and enable a wide adoption of IGS as a gold standard in clinical research and practice.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 2 288 500,00
00014 Helsingin Yliopisto

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Manner-Suomi Helsinki-Uusimaa Helsinki-Uusimaa
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 2 288 500,00

Participantes (17)