Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RISC2 (A network for supporting the coordination of High-Performance Computing research between Europe and Latin America)
Période du rapport: 2021-01-01 au 2023-09-30
The main results of RISC2 are:
- The HPC Observatory, publicly accessible through the RISC2 project website, offers relevant information for the HPC community in LATAM and the EU: news and articles focusing on HPC collaboration, an agenda of relevant events for the HPC community, a repository of reports, and a database of HPC resources in LATAM.
- Policy dialogues on the two regions’ key ICT challenges in HPC. RISC2 partners in LATAM met with RDI policymakers at the regional, national, or local levels to discuss the priorities, funding opportunities and collaboration potential in HPC. In addition, RISC2 was present at several events in the EU and LATAM, highlighting the potential for bi-regional cooperation in HPC. Partners succeeded in raising awareness among their countries’ policymakers on the vital role played by HPC within the RDI ecosystem and the need to increase collaboration, both within the region and between LATAM and the EU. RISC2 partners’ involvement contributed to future developments in policies impacting HPC in the region.
- The Roadmap for HPC R&I between Europe and LATAM, which includes a description of the HPC landscape in Latin America and in each participating country, collaboration best practices, research priorities in the field of HPC, and potential synergies to foster international cooperation in HPC RDI between the EU and LATAM. Based on this information, a set of recommendations for common HPC policies was included.
- The RISC2 partners organised seven HPC schools with the support of RISC2, encouraging international students and researchers’ attendance. Attendance of international students and researchers contributed to the networking potential of such events and paved the way towards research collaborations within LATAM and between LATAM and European organisations.
Actions carried out throughout RISC2’s life were instrumental in establishing contacts with the HPC research communities in the EU and LATAM and policymakers at the local, national, and regional levels, engaging in conversations with the authorities from the Ministries of Science and the funding agencies in the seven LATAM countries participating in RISC2. Contacts were also established with regional organisations in LATAM. These dialogues allowed RISC2 partners to raise awareness among policymakers about the potential for HPC collaboration. The dissemination activities within RISC2 contributed to raising awareness of the importance of developing a roadmap to drive HPC bi-regional cooperation forward. As the outcome of the roadmapping activities, the RISC2 Consortium produced the report “Roadmap for HPC R&I between Europe and LATAM” and ten proposals for joint action plans, addressing common research priorities, requirements, and funding opportunities.
RISC2 aimed to foster bi-regional cooperation and improve information sharing on HPC best practices. The actions’ impact is reflected through the number of students, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers participating in the events organised by RISC2 and using RISC2 resources.