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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

EUropean Vital Medical Supplies and Equipment Resilient and Reliable Repurposing Manufacturing as a Service NetworK for Fast PAndemic Reaction

Descrizione del progetto

Una rete europea di riqualificazione di «Manufacturing as a Service» per una veloce reazione alla pandemia

Con l’arrivo della COVID-19, il picco della domanda di forniture e attrezzature mediche ha messo in evidenza gravi carenze nella capacità produttiva e distributiva. Serve un nuovo approccio per ottimizzare queste capacità al fine di riqualificare infrastrutture digitali, spazi di dati, piattaforme di coordinamento e reti di produzione. Il progetto Eur3ka, finanziato dall’UE, favorirà l’accesso a una struttura unificata di coordinamento in risposta alla pandemia in grado di soddisfare le esigenze delle parti coinvolte in settori quali quello digitale, manifatturiero, sanitario e di certificazione. La piattaforma collegherà varie innovazioni, architetture di produzione, tecnologie digitali con i processi certificati/standardizzati in una piattaforma Plug & Respond operante su larga scala. L’obiettivo finale è attivare un’efficace risposta 4R (Rapida, Reattiva, Resiliente e Robusta) alla COVID-19, garantendo nel contempo che le infrastrutture siano pronte per future pandemie o altre epidemie dirompenti.


Recent events have demonstrated the need for readiness for medical supply and equipment rapid manufacturing repurposing. Eur3ka will deliver a trusted and unique capability to plug and collectively respond to a sudden demand increased in a coordinated and effective manner at unprecedented scale.
Eur3ka mission is to bring together most recent R&I results in (1) Industry 4.0 standards, open automation modular manufacturing production line enablers; (2) industrial international common data space enablers and digital infrastructures; (3) global on-demand and manufacturing as a service platforms; (4) connected and smarter supply networks, and global medical supplies and equipment repositories; (5) the vibrant European and Global network of manufacturing DIH network innovation services and open experimental facilities.
The main ambition of Eur3ka is to enable and facilitate global and fair access to (1) a Plug & Respond (P&R) repurposing resource coordination framework for pandemic crisis response, (2) a common open standardized modular manufacturing reference architecture and solutions, and (3) top digitally sovereign cross-sectorial manufacturing networks and capacities that should allow to connect global manufacturing and supply chain capabilities and medical knowledge on-demand and as-a-Service across the globe in an IP-responsive manner to ensure rapid manufacturing repurposing for an increased and sudden demand of medical supplies and equipment.
Eur3ka builds and extends the existing Global Network of Advanced Manufacturing Hubs (AMHUBs) to leverage a comprehensive COVID response based on solid socio-tecno-economic pillars that bring together advanced manufacturing and digital enablers that will raise robustness, redundancy, resourcefulness, response, and recovery against current and future pandemics. Eur3ka vision builds on and accelerate current digital transformation industry 4.0 efforts, as well as flexible regulations and tailored workforce re-/up- skilling

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 525 000,00
00144 ROMA

Mostra sulla mappa

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 750 000,00

Partecipanti (25)