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AMBIent Temperature AnaeROBIC Treatment of Municipal Sewage Wastewater

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AMBI-ROBIC (AMBIent Temperature AnaeROBIC Treatment of Municipal Sewage Wastewater)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-10-01 do 2023-09-30

• Demonstrating the greatest step-change in the treatment of municipal wastewater in the last century. The innovative AMBI-ROBIC process for the treatment of municipal wastewater; consuming 80% less energy, generating 96% less waste, 88% less CO2 emissions and producing high quality biogas. A wastewater treatment process which produces more energy than it consumes.
• If implemented across just 10% of the EU’s sewage treatment plants, the carbon impact would be equivalent to 282,000 cars removed from our roads (1.3 million tonnes CO2 equivalent).
• Market acceptance and subsequent roll-out of AMBI-ROBIC® will impact significantly on European Net Zero and Green Deal targets, delivering new and currently unrealised, value for utility companies.
• WP1: Project Management Plan completed and issued 26th March 2021
• WP2: Although delayed (6 month+) by COVID we are currently in advanced discussions with end users regarding three potential host sites, situated in Germany, Italy and Ireland. Outline design and costings are being undertaken and detailed design will follow once the final preferred host site has been established.
• WP3: The cumulative effects of COVID have impacted on this activity which will commence after detailed design (WP2) has been undertaken.
• WP4/5: COVID has prevented face to face meetings with potential Partners and End Users and our attendance at industry events. To mitigate the impact, we have commissioned a consultant to facilitate initial introductions. Using web-based technologies, we have undertaken and recorded in our Sales and Partner Pipeline Report, meetings with 31 potential partners and 23 potential end users spread across Sweden, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, UK, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
• Effective primary / secondary municipal wastewater treatment process removing 80% BOD and 60% TSS.
• 80% reduction in operational energy consumption, prior to biogas utilisation which if used effectively produces more energy than the process consumes.
• Virtual eradication of sewage sludge (waste) transportation treatment & disposal costs.
• High quality biogas by-product 100% available for heat, energy, fuel cell or vehicle fuel use.
• Carbon (CO2) reduction. 88% less carbon emissions than aerobic activated sludge, before biogas utilisation. Accelerating net zero carbon across the EU and enabling Green Deal targets to be met.
• Ability to effectively complement existing and new tertiary nutrient treatment processes.
Ambient Anaerobic - The greatest step-change towards Net Zero Carbon Wastewater Treatment