Description du projet
Parvenir à une augmentation durable du rendement grâce à la gestion de la lumière du soleil
Il est indispensable d’augmenter la production alimentaire naturelle, mais cela exige des solutions innovantes permettant d’accroître les rendements sans augmenter les coûts de production et la consommation d’énergie. Le projet ENLIGHT, financé par l’UE, présentera une technologie révolutionnaire sous la forme de mélanges maîtres visant à transformer une partie du spectre de lumière solaire, peu utilisée par les plantes, en longueurs d’onde qui seront plus efficaces aux fins de la photosynthèse et de la croissance des plantes. Intégrée au film couvrant les serres-tunnels, les tunnels chenille ou les serres de jardin, la technologie ENLIGHT proposera une solution permettant d’accroître le rendement tout en assurant une production alimentaire plus durable grâce à la réduction considérable de l’utilisation d’eau, des engrais et des pesticides.
The need for food continuously increases as the world population is growing (estimated to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050 (>30% higher than today)). To meet their food needs, 56% more crop calories will be needed in 2050. Farmers are in dire need for innovative sustainable technologies to boost crop yields without increasing production costs and energy use. There is no silver bullet to achieve food security, hence adopting sustainable solutions and integrating technologies that sustainably enable climate resilient crop production has become a current priority.
CASCADE, a French SME, has developed a game-changing disruptive solution in the form of masterbatches using its LIGHT CASCADES® technology to shift a portion of the sunlight spectrum, little used by plants, into wavelengths most efficiently used for photosynthesis and plant development. This LIGHT CASCADES® technology can be incorporated into greenhouse film covering high-tunnels, low-tunnels, and glass houses ultimately benefiting growers. In addition to boosting yields, our technology makes growing food sustainable by significantly reducing water, fertilizer, and pesticide use. CASCADE aims to capture 2.5% of this market by 2024 (revenue 19 M€) with 11 customers (large greenhouse film manufacturers) and estimates a serviceable obtainable market of 800 M€. With the EIC Accelerator funding the company will be able to test its multi-season LIGHT CASCADES® technology in operational conditions for enabling commercialization. Upon successful commercialization, LIGHT CASCADES® technology with its conservative estimate of 10% yield increase potential, will result in more than 1 million metric tons of additional horticultural produce (fruits and vegetables) in the EU region alone. This additional yield contributes to reduction of 51 K tons CO2-equivalent GHG emissions, increase of 16 000 Kg CO2 uptake per ha per year, and saving of 1600 ha of land (additional greenhouses needed to produce the added yield).
Champ scientifique
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
- natural scienceschemical sciencesinorganic chemistrytransition metals
- natural sciencesearth and related environmental sciencesenvironmental sciencessustainability sciences
- engineering and technologymaterials engineering
- medical and health scienceshealth sciencesnutrition
- agricultural sciencesagriculture, forestry, and fisheriesagriculturehorticulturevegetable growing
Régime de financement
SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2Coordinateur
92140 Clamart
L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.