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B4P No-Waste Polymers: Architected for performance, loaded with circularity

Descrizione del progetto

Una nuova classe di biopolimeri spinge l’industria della plastica verso un futuro più ecologico

I biopolimeri B4P, creati dall’azienda B4Plastics con sede in Belgio, hanno sbaragliato tutti i record mondiali di resistenza alla decomposizione. Nonostante siano interamente biodegradabili in modo controllato, i biopolimeri sono concepiti per dare prova della resistenza meccanica più elevata, battendo i materiali fossili non degradabili quali i polimeri tradizionali come le poliammidi. Il progetto B4PNOW, finanziato dall’UE, si prefigge di far passare la tecnologia dal livello di maturità tecnologica 6 al livello 8 e di presentare le sue prime due famiglie di polimeri proprietari. Con il sostegno fornito dal CEI, B4Plastics concorre a diventare la prima azienda unicorno di bioplastiche al mondo nel 2030, contribuendo a evitare che milioni di tonnellate di rifiuti plastici finiscano negli oceani.


B4Plastics (B4P) is a bio-polymer architecture company, committed to making the greenest plastics ever developed. B4P Polymers have beaten world records in strength versus degradation: Despite being completely biodegradable in a controlled way ranging from years to even days, the biopolymers are designed for the highest mechanical strength, outcompeting fossil materials like traditional polyesters and polyamides. This allows for circularity “on demand”, a key concept in B4P’s polymer design: if the afterlife allows it we design it to be recycled. On the other hand, if the after-life situation demands it (if it will end up as pollution), we design it to completely degrade, triggered by its specific end-of-life situation.

That way, B4P has gained a unique position to change the status quo of the plastics economy, already having market-leading customers, such as STIHL, Huntsman, Capri-Sun, Lankhorst Euronete Portugal, Nike, 3M and Patagonia. B4P Polymers, completely aligned with the European Green Deal, are becoming game-changers in the plastic industry with an unprecedented balance in cost, performance, and ecology.

B4P wants to move from R&D company / developer to commercial supplier. B4PNOW will serve this goal by moving the technology from TRL 6 to 8, and launch two first proprietary polymer families:
• FortePlastics combines unprecedented material strength with full degradability – entering a € 42+ billion market.
• TriggerPlastics has unique controllable (up to the world’s fastest) degradability – entering a € 300+ billion market.

With the EIC support, B4P will become the first unicorn bioplastics company (>1 billion € turnover) in the world in 2030. This allows B4P to prevent 8 million tons of plastic waste that results in 1,5 million ton of micro-plastics leaking into the ocean, yearly. B4PNOW!

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 803 507,00
3650 Dilsen-Stokkem

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L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Vlaams Gewest Prov. Limburg (BE) Arr. Maaseik
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 1 147 867,50