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Local fertiliser production by plasma treatment


Umweltfreundliche Produktion und mehr Nährstoffe für Anbaupflanzen

Emissionsarme Düngemittel sind wichtig, um der globalen Nachfrage nach einer Produktionssteigerung in der Landwirtschaft nachzukommen und die Zukunft gleichzeitig klimaneutral zu gestalten. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SmartNitroFarm bietet ein wegweisendes umweltfreundliches Düngemittel, das den Nährstoffgehalt von Gülle mittels Plasmatechnologie verbessert. Die innovative Technologie reduziert Treibhausgasemissionen und die Geruchsbelästigung, wirkt dem Ammoniakverlust und der Luftverschmutzung entgegen und ist so eine Alternative für chemischen Dünger. Das Projekt stellt eine Lösung vor, welche die Nahrungsmittelerzeugung durch eine nachhaltige Ertragssteigerung grundlegend verbessert. Gleichzeitig bewältigt es Herausforderungen in Verbindung mit dem Nährstoffverlust in Gülle und löst die Emissionsproblematik bereits an der Quelle.


N2 Applied (N2) is a Norwegian technology company with a mission to fundamentally improve global food production by increasing yield and reducing emissions. N2 has developed a patented technology, SmartNitroFarm, that enables local production of environment-friendly fertiliser using slurry or digestate, air and electricity. SmartNitroFarm is a ground-breaking alternative to chemical fertilisers, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions, reduces odour, stops ammonia loss and air pollution. These effects are proven through external field trials and research projects with renowned institutions. SmartNitrofarm significantly contributes to the Green Deal’s ambition to be the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, through providing a solution that implies a huge step in sustainable and circular agriculture. N2’s unique innovation uses plasma technology to increase the nutrient content in manure, giving increased yield to farmers. In addition, using SmartNitroFarm in Danish dairy farms, show a reduction in carbon footprint of 27% and a reduction of respiratory inorganics of 53%. The unique aspect is that we tackle the manure challenges related to nutrient loss and emissions at the source, solving major pain points for farmers. Funding from this EIC project is needed to bridge the gap from current technology level into a commercially attractive solution. N2 Applied holds proprietary know-how and IPR and technological competence that ensures a strong competitive advantage.

The overall project objective is to commercialise SmartNitroFarm and thus ensure the succesful development of the SME N2 Applied AS. The project is divided into 5 work packages to prepare the solution for market entry: Production of pilot units and commercial design, on farm piloting, sustainability assessment of environmental benefits, business development and finally to communicate the possibilities with SmartNitroFarm.

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€ 2 302 599,00
0191 Oslo

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€ 3 895 000,00

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