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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Metrology for Integrated Marine Management and Knowledge-Transfer Network

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MINKE (Metrology for Integrated Marine Management and Knowledge-Transfer Network)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-10-01 al 2024-03-31

MINKE will integrate key European marine metrology research infrastructures, to coordinate their use and development and propose an innovative framework of “quality of oceanographic data” for the different European actors in charge of monitoring and managing the marine ecosystems. MINKE proposes a new vision in the design of marine monitoring networks considering two dimensions of data quality, accuracy and completeness, as the driving components of the quality in data acquisition.

Both accuracy and completeness play an important role on data quality. However, due to the complex spatial and temporal dynamics of marine ecosystems, the design of monitoring networks trying to maximize both dimensions with a single approach is a challenging issue. In an ideal scenario, the monitoring program would provide the highest data quality maximizing both the accuracy and completeness of the required dataset. In such an ideal case it could be possible to reconstruct the original parameter of interest at any imaginable scale. With this set of observations, it could be possible then to retrieve the required information for any research or management purpose we would like to address.

This is the overall goal of MINKE considers a multilayer strategy to combine both monitoring approaches, to provide finally the most reliable measurements in Ocean & Coastal Observation Systems: The aim of this INFRAIA project is to bring together, integrate on the European scale, and open up key national and regional research infrastructures linked to this multilayer ocean and coastal observing network to all European researchers and interested groups (from academia, industry, and civil society) ensuring their optimal use and joint development.

MINKE will develop a multilayer network of ocean and coastal observatory nodes, which will be accessible to the whole marine community and will include the involved actors: from the national metrological institutes and sensors manufacturers to makers spaces (i.e. Fablabs) and citizen observatories. Although various levels of organisation can be foreseen (for example primary and secondary reference nodes – PRN & SRN), building this network will require fostering cooperation between people and groups to promote knowledge exchange and training, nurturing consensus on methodologies and procedures, harmonizing standards of operation, achieving Best Practice, and rational coordination of resources.

The present proposal, through the different Integration Activities (Networking, Transnational-Virtual Access and Joint Research), aims to lay the groundwork for creating the necessary synergies among the different involved actors in the quintuple helix model of innovation, creating a new community with complementary capabilities for Ocean & Coastal Observation, that will facilitate the transition towards a blue growth socio-economic system.
-Analyse and map the community dealing with marine metrology in Europe.
-Identify their specific roles and contributions.
-Document user requirements in the total spectrum of marine observations focusing the metrology activities on the societal and regulatory needs expressed at the European level.
-Start with the organisation and conduction of a workshop aimed at training and capacity-building entitled "Introduction to metrology for young and early career marine scientists".
-Promote the dissemination of the application of metrological principles to oceanographic measurements.
-Assessing the data that will be collected, managed and shared within the project
-Derive best practice recommendations for ensuring a harmonised access to observation data and its related quality information
-Stakeholder mapping
-Assessing the nature of stakeholder’s influence/power and interest
-Fostering connection with relevant stakeholders to support the integration and the interoperability between different EU networks and other European RIs and and the standardisation activities.
-Connecting MINKE with the industry/manufacturers community (T4.2) SMEs and NGOs
-Launching and managing the TNA-VA calls to access the research infrastructures.
-Create the portfolio of TNA/VA installations, describe procedures and teams in charge of access provision
-Develop the General guidelines for the TNA/VA calls.
-Provide a complete, cost-effective, open sensor solution for coastal monitoring including weather, air quality and water physico-chemical parameters
-Generate provisions that ease the access, operation and calibration of low-cost sensors for environmental measurements by users or communities of users, aiming to conduct experiments in coastal areas
-Provide support to the TNA in the different steps of the experimentation process
-Create a knowledge base for supporting low-cost sensor activities and beneficiaries projects
-Contribute to creating a complete workflow for reproducible experimentation using low-cost sensors, from hardware and software to data
-Promote MINKE within the Fab Lab community and Citizen Science practitioners
-Develop MINKA as the CS Platform instead of Natusfera.
-Consolidate (with MINKA) the engaging activities in Catalonia and we try to expand to other countries (Italy).
-Use, in joint work with the government of Catalonia, all the data generated to include and elaborate the document “State of nature in Catalonia 23”, focused in explore the possible impacts and the corrective measures to prevent it.
-Assess the different formats, sampling methods and reporting of marine litter data (which was selected as Essential Ocean Variable, EOV for testing data fusion techniques)
-Explore and define harmonisation metrics for these data, as a fundamental step prior to applying fusion algorithms.
-Improve the quality of measurement methods for a broad variety of biogeochemical (O2, carbonate, Dissolved Organic Matter), biological (phytoplankton, bioacoustics) EOVs, and contaminants such as PAHs, physical (absolute salinity, currents, underwater noise), obtained from techniques that currently lack clear calibration and quality assessment protocols to achieve the required in-situ data quality.
-Set the basis for the optimal and transparent project evolution.
-Track the project outcomes (deliverables, milestones and periodic scientific and financial reports) to ensure proper compliance.
The project is gaining community on the different planned areas
In terms of participatory actions the development of the new platform MINKA has opened the possibility to monitor different marine areas. At present in Spain and Italy but it is expected to enlarge the community in wider areas.
Different internation events of communication, dissemination and training are providing the first results to consolidate the marine metrology community.
Thanks to the web page and the social media actions the different research infrastructures involved in the project are gaining visibility both at European and global scale.
MINKE_INFRAIA-02-2020 - Integrating Activities for Starting Communities