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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Translational Research on Endometriosis

Descripción del proyecto

El fin del retraso en el diagnóstico de la endometriosis

La endometriosis, una de las enfermedades crónicas más comunes en las mujeres en edad fértil, afecta a catorce millones de mujeres en toda la Unión Europea. Está provocada por el crecimiento del tejido del endometrial principalmente en la región abdominal inferior. Los síntomas más comunes son el dolor intenso durante la menstruación y las relaciones sexuales, y el dolor pélvico crónico. Sin embargo, la enfermedad tarda años en ser diagnosticada correctamente, y las mujeres que la padecen corren un mayor riesgo de padecer cáncer de ovario que el resto de la población femenina. En el proyecto TRENDO, financiado con fondos europeos, se abordarán los principales problemas en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la endometriosis. Al reunir a expertos en ciencias clínicas y traslacionales y a socios de la industria de seis países europeos y sudamericanos, el proyecto desarrollará biomarcadores y pruebas no invasivas, que acortarán el retraso en el diagnóstico y reducirán la desigualdad de acceso a una atención sanitaria costosa.


Endometriosis is a sever disease affecting 10% of reproductive age women, characterized by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside of uterus. Due to the associated pain, inertility and a small, but increased risk for developing ovarian cancer, its socioeconomic impacts are considerable, and have a profound effect on women’s mental and physical health. Endometriosis is characterized by a diagnostic delay of a decade, as its diagnosis is surgery-based, and all attempts to identify the non-invasive biomarkers have not been progressed beyond the discovery. Moreover, current treatments include only surgery or hormonal medications with significant side effects. In view of the above, the endometriosis care is challenging, and is hampered by the considerable heterogeneity of clinical manifestations. TRENDO consortium addresses the main problems in endometriosis diagnosis and therapy in a multidisciplinary and trans-sectoral effort, bringing together the clinical and translational science experts, and industry partners from six European and South American countries. We develop non-invasive biomarkers and testing, which shorten the diagnostic delay, and reduce the unequal access to expensive healthcare. These biomarkers are tested for the suitability as drug targets, to monitor treatment response, and to predict the personalized clinical recommendations. By combining the strengths of our partners, we provide novel tools addressing the most urgent priorities in endometriosis and to successfully translate our findings into novel therapeutic approaches. This challenging scientific task provides an ideal career-enhancing setting for young scientists, providing them with transdisciplinary and trans-domain training, and with essential transferable skills. The training program provides a new generation of researchers with a strong competitive advantage on the job market and increase European academic and industry competence in one of the under-investigated clinical domains.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 32 200,00

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Nordrhein-Westfalen Münster Münster, Kreisfreie Stadt
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 32 200,00

Participantes (7)

Socios (1)