Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AURORA (sAfe Urban aiR mObility for euRopeAn citizens.)
Período documentado: 2022-06-01 hasta 2023-11-30
The AURORA key achievements are materialized around implementation of autonomous flight solution by integrating technological building blocks (robust absolute & relative positioning, path planning, integral detect-and-avoid, and safe landing site detection) and their validation on the planned urgent logistics, first responders, and smart-city use-cases, in simulated and real-world scenarios. The project has generated around 12 exploitable results, including individual technological building blocks of autonomous flight solution, as well as their integration for UAM operations safety-critical applications such as: path planner, noise-aware & energy-aware path planner, integral DAA, and emergency landing solution. These exploitable AURORA results in the form of stand-alone solutions, are almost all transcending into indivudal spin-off projects to increase their maturity for UAM market readiness. Long-term exploitable results of AURORA include the state-of-the art autonomous flight laboratory and high-performance UAV. Both platforms are intended and are already in use beyond the project to support implementation of autonomous flight capabilities in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), and UAM as its subset, in Europe. Furthermore, activities on UAM acceptance shed a light on the public acceptance of UAM supported by solutions developed in AURORA. Dissemination and exploatation of the AURORA results during the project were concentrated around UAM Stakeholders’’ engagement workshops, organized and conducted in three principal locations of the real-world demonstrations use-cases: Barcelona (Spain), Brno (Czechia), and Pisa (Italy).
During the project execution, the team also took particular care to involve all relevant stakeholders and integrate their insights into our developments. Furthermore, we joined forces with other H2020 projects in this domain to ensure maximised impact and outreach. Among others, this involved, the development of the decision support system for stakeholders, exploration of the impact of UAM and its reflection on sustainable mobility indicators as well as performing virtual and real-world (Brno, Pisa, Barcelona) demonstrations and knowledge sharing activities. Among others, this involved communication and dissemination activities as First stakeholder workshop (online: September 28th, 2021.), Stakeholder and citizen workshop (“Urban Air Mobility for All”) (Brussels, Belgium: May 17th, 2022.), Brno citizen workshop (Brno, Czech Republic: June 17th, 2022.). Pisa citizen workshop (Pisa, Italy: June 30th, 2023.), Barcelona citizen workshop (Barcelona, Spain: October 30th, 2023.), scientific journal publications, conferences, panels and events participation, shaping of lessons learned and recommendations to UAM stakeholders, that were widely disseminated, among others, also during the AURORA's final event that took place in Luxembourg on 22 November 2023, marking the closing of AURORA.
Global path planning solution (GPP) : we developed a 3D flight path planning solution based on a state-of-the-art hybridized A*/Visibility graph method that uses obstacles, terrain, and aircraft performance as constraints. Aircraft performance constraints are factored in as dynamic (flight dynamics wrt density altitude) vertical and horizontal holonomic constraints.
Local path planning solution (LPP): we developed a local path planning solution, also known as detect-and-avoid, based on a state-of-the-art partially observable Markov decision process method. The AURORA solution has effectively adopted an algorithm on which minimum operational performance standards for the Airborne Collision Avoidance System Xu (ACAS Xu) equipment for unmanned aircraft are defined, by integrating ground obstacles in addition to the un-cooperative aerial threats (intruders).
Mission management solution (MMS): we have developed a mission management system based on the robotic operating system (ROS) allowing not only intra-systems on board the aircraft to be interlinked but also geographically distant processes and applications via Internet. In this way we were able to relieve human from flight control responsibility and through the use of MMS put them in an oversight role, with ultimate decision authority over the mission and flight objectives.
Flight performance management (FPM): we have developed a flight performance solution continuous estimation of endurance and range with respect to meteorological conditions (wind speed/direction), density altitude, and energy-storing capacity onboard the UA.
Emergency landing solution (ELS): we have developed a state-of-the-art solution for emergency landing of VTOL aircraft based on continuous safe landing site detection by environment perception sensor, allowing not only spatial suitability to be determined but also occupancy of the site (i.e. human). GPP solution together with SLS detection is allowing to find instantaneous path in an obstacle environment of the city allowing automated safe landing in emergency situations.