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Designing useR centric E-kickscooters & business models for Enhancing interModality

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Sustainability report

Output of Task 43Economic Environmental and Social welfare impact analysis in each elaboration with and without the CE BMSuccessfailure indicators documented impact analysis available on time

Definition of Standards and compliance

Output of Task 25Regulatory and compliance aspects to be covered in particular the integration of DREEM electric kickscooter in road codes Leverage also on the Advisory board members to analyse new regulations identify barriers and to check compliance with the prerequisites for the correct deployment and integration of DREEM vehicle in road codesSuccessfailure indicatorsreport on time all the regulatory and compliance related activities

LCA and end-of life report

Output of Task 41LCA and endof life report on KS with a progressive elaboration where the output of one step becomes input of the other step to refine the analysis till the level of detail desired Successfailure indicatorsreport of LCA and end of life available on time

Pilots engagement & Communication

Output of Task 33Several actions are planned 1a social media campaign for each pilot2a launch event to be organised at each pilot during which a demo will take place and communication materials about the project and pilots factsheetbrochure goodies will be distributed 3dedicated communication materials in all four languages will be produced and distributed via the pilot organisations communication channels to spread the word about the pilot and build a strong uptake and use of the pilotSuccessfailure indicatorsabove activities successfully performed on time

Hub motor design (nature: report, CAD files)

Output of Task 22Development of the 350W gearless hub motor with below 21 kg mass and over 92 peak and 85 cycle energy efficiency Innovative mixed multiphase TFM design will be developed to the stage suitable for real world environment testing Special materials and new manufacturing technologies to be used in this motorSuccessfailure indicatorsdesign completed on time

Policy brief

Output of Task 56Collecting the results from the three pilots sites and using its vast member network to understand what kind of policy should be in place in the EU that allows safe and efficient grow of micromobility solutions without conflicting with public transport and other active modes of transport Development of a Policy Brief on personal micromobility in M23 that will be inspired by the new SUMP Guidelines and the existing Topic Guides framework

Scalability analysis

Output of Task 53Understanding of what factors in the local environment are creating conditions for developing and implementing DREEM business models and what factors are barriers to such business model development Successfailure indicators key success factors for replication to be identifiedReport completed on time

Report on business modelling

Output of Task 52Taking advantage of the engagement process with users in WP3 business models will be described using the Business Model Canvas Alexander Osterwalder 2011 Major interactions and relations between different stakeholders as well as main business characteristics such as value proposition revenue streams channels key partnerships or cost structure will be analysed in a detailed transparent and visual waySuccessfailure indicatorsbusiness model ready and well documented on time

Market study

Output of Task 51Characterization and assessment of the European market for the solutions developed within DREEM as a key prerequisite for business modelling and scalability The study will mainly focus on Italy Sweden and Belgium where the three demosites are located The study will integrate an analysis on Competition analysis missionrange electric bikesscooterskickscooters Business environment of considered marketsEconomic context Market quantification and trends on the mobility sector with a focus on micromobility Mapping of existing regulatory framework policy instruments and the relevant stakeholders behind them at EU and national and local level Stakeholder analysis at local level Social analysis habits and behavior relation to Successfailure indicatorsmarket study completed on time as per above requirements

CE BM simulation and application

Output of Task 43CE BM simulation and application with a progressive elaboration where the output of one step becomes input of the other step to refine the analysis till the level of detail desired M18Successfailure indicatorsreport of CE BM and end of life available on time

Hub motor prototypes (nature: prototypes)

Output of Task 22Prototype preparation and pilot production of up to 40 pieces The motor will be accompanied by offtheshelf power electronic HW with minor adjustments for the specific hub motor requirementsSuccessfailure indicatorsprototype ready on time for pilots

DREEM e-kickscooter 1st release

As output of Task 21Definitions of all component design and their features together with technical partners Among these features there are foldability modular battery 3 wheels and inwheel motor and helmet The development will include also the electronic control module that will include the HMI human machine interface battery management systems and innovative connection with rear safety sensors such camera or radarSuccessfailure indicator first design completed

Safety in-vehicle features

Outputs of Task 2.3:Inflatable helmet improvement by using: 1)users' GPS to learn about commuting2) the number of inflates to adjust the number of gas pack for subscriber 3) Measuring the strength of mechanical integration against theft and damages, including the ageing of materialsSuccess/failure indicators:overall helmet design completed on time based on testing activities

DREEM e-kickscooter final release (M24) nature: proto)

Final output of Task 2.1:Specialized engineers within the consortium that deal in the tooling of factories and building of vehicles will provide final adjustments to the vehicle's design in order to have a fast production ramp up at competitive cost. Success/failure indicator: release of DREEM KS last version before market launch.

DREEM APP - final release

Output of Task 2.4:Learning of the pilots in Turin, Goteborg and Belgium will be reflected in this final APP release. Moreover, the integration of B2C needs based will also occur and be tested in this phase (e.g. e-ticketing, multi-user usage, best route calculation based on traffic). Real-time monitoring and notifications will be included in this final release.Success/failure indicators:on time release of the final APP version bug-free. APP shall satisfy all the user needs collected during pilots

DREEM APP - 1st release

Output of Task 24Using the WP2 tasks learning an initial DREEM App mockup will be developed and it will be shared with partners involved in the DREEM Ks codesign and development The mockup will be revised to crosscheck that the needs are met and reflecting their feedback before the 1st pilot starts Following the agile programming methodology Punch will develop the B2C DREEM APP and the backend platform available on both IOSAndroid systemsSuccessfailure indicatorsfirst APP release issued on time and based on the first received feedback


Understanding mobility profiles and e-kickscooter use in three urban case studies in Europe

Autoren: Eva Booa, Estibaliz Sanvicentea*, Érika Martins Silva Ramosb, Chloe Chavardesa, Debora Lombardib, Giandomenico Gagliardic, Thibaud Hilmarcherd a Three o’clock, 15 Rue des Halles, Paris 75001, France b Department of Psychology Box 500, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg SE-405 30, Sweden c 5T SRL, Via Bertola 34, Torino 10122, Italy d Tractebel Engineering, 34-36 Boulevard Simon Bolivar, 1000
Veröffentlicht in: Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Ausgabe Two years, 2022
Herausgeber: Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference Elsevier

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