Periodic Reporting for period 2 - DOMMINIO (Digital method for imprOved Manufacturing of next-generation MultIfuNctIOnal airframe parts)
Reporting period: 2022-07-01 to 2023-12-31
DOMMINIO aims at developing an innovative data-driven methodology to design, manufacture, maintain and pre-certify multifunctional and intelligent airframe parts (composed of high-quality in-situ consolidated composite laminates and high-performance 3D-printed reinforcement elements) through a cost-effective, flexible and multi-stage manufacturing system based on the combination of robotized ATL and FFF technologies, supported by advanced simulation tools, on-line process & quality monitoring, SHM systems-enabled by embedded novel CNT-based fibre sensors and data analytics. Innovative multifunctional thermoplastic filaments will be employed to incorporate novel continuous CNT fibre-based piezoresistive strain sensors in the laminate, to enable reversible joining (using magnetic NPs) and increase the structural integrity (using continuous CF) of the 3D-printed reinforcements. Flexible automation of ATL and FFF manufacturing processes will be enabled by the development of new laser-scanning and smart nozzle systems, the simulation of ATL plies consolidation and interlaminar delamination in FFF and the development of novel air-coupled ultrasound quality monitoring systems. Besides, advanced modelling will support the selection of right process window parameters and the optimal production planning strategy, ensuring the quality of the final component.
• Why is it important for society?
It is of extremely importance for the society of the 21st century that the right goods must be produced at the right cost, quality and volume that markets require. Goods must be created with new sustainable processes and most qualified jobs to support each regional economy. DOMMINIO eases the manufacturing of customised products at a lower cost and minimizing resource consumption than traditional processes, creating a wider availability for affordable solutions, based on digitised and transformed EU aviation industry. Furthermore, enhanced performance of next generation multifunctional airframe enabled by DOMMINIO solutions (resistance, electromagnetic shielding, self-sensing, etc.) will contribute to the improvement of safety in transport, therefore protecting EU Citizens from injuries from failures in aircrafts. On the other hand, regions and countries benefiting from highly productive industrial capacities developed at DOMMINIO will generate skilled jobs with decent salaries, thus contributing to European social cohesion. In addition, DOMMINIO contributes to tackling climate change, one of the main concerns of EU citizens (92% of EU citizens see it as a serious problem and 74% a very serious problem), through the reduction of energy demand, use of resources. Most of the emissions in Europe are concentrated in the energy sector and certain manufacturing industries. Moreover, the reduction of GHG emissions contributes to improve air quality within the EU and worldwide.
DOMMINIO has 4 high level objectives:
• O1: Enable flexible multistage robotic-based production processes for manufacturing of multifunctional composite airframe parts
• O2: Develop novel data-driven pipeline supporting the design, simulation and production planning of multifunctional and intelligent composite airframe components
• O3: Develop a Quality-by-Design (QbD) manufacturing strategy, based on the development of process control and advanced quality monitoring systems
• O4: Develop a new digital-combined-physical driven methodology for Monitoring and Management of the Health of multifunctional airframe parts.
- Stiffened panels combining ATL laminates (LM-PAEK) and FFF gyroids (PEKK) stiffening structures. A laser heating source was integrated in FFF head to enhance gyroid-to-laminate adhesion. cCF (provided by SUPREME) was successfully deposited as an additional reinforcement layer on top of the PEKK gyroid structures.
- SHM demo (laminate with embedded CNT sensor, first trials), disassembly demo (AFP laminate-magnetic nanoparticle layer-PEKK gyroid).
- SHM functionality tested and validated, de-icing functionality on-going
- TP filaments: AIMEN contacted a commercial supplier (SUPREM) that commercializes a cCF filament fulfilling the requirements of DOMMINIO (PEKK matrix, aerospace grade carbon fibre, fibre volume fraction 40%). For TP-filaments embedded with magnetic NPs, identify the optimum type and concentration of magnetic NPs required for efficient heating via induction of PEKK nanocomposite.
Regarding O2:
- The ATL simulator based on a parametric PGD model is operational, and the surface roughness described from a TDA descriptor correlated with the thermal resistance
- Two FFF nozzles used by AIMEN were analyzed from the thermal management point of view as well as their deposition profiles. The calculation of equivalent properties for complex shapes such as the gyroid, suggested as stiffener manufactured via FFF, was successfully concluded and integrated in the modelling work flow.
- Data gathered during the experiments and during material characterization have been analyzed and incorporated in the models required for multi-objective optimization.
Regarding O3:
- The laser scanning system was successfully developed and integrated in the ATL equipment,
- The non-contact NDI hardware was developed and validated on compression molded and ATL laminates with intended defects.
Regarding O4:
- cCNTs fibers compatible with AM were successfully developed. Other CNT yarns available on the market were evaluated. The damage induced by the impacts was clearly visualized by the C-scan
- A first version of a damage detector powered by Artificial Intelligence trained with synthetic data provided by FE models has been developed.
- The modelling methodology is described and deployed for some simple cases. Micromechanics used to ascertain the effect of ply distortion induced by CNT sensors.
- Multi-stage ATL combined FFF manufacturing of multifunctional composites
- Numerical simulation of plies consolidation
- Novel controllable laser-scanning system for customized heating in ATL process
- Novel sensorized FFF nozzle for high-performance TPs
- Advanced non-contact UT methods for quality monitoring in ATL process
- Innovative piezoresistive-based CCNT fibre strain sensors
- Data-driven pipeline for MDO of airframe parts