Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SUSTAINair (SUSTAINablility increase of lightweight, multifunctional and intelligent airframe and engine parts)
Période du rapport: 2022-07-01 au 2023-12-31
During P2 period, SUSTAINair partners have completed most of the technical tasks and started to transfer their findings to designing and manufacturing of 3 different demonstrators. WP1 provided a summary of requirements for the application of technologies and processes developed in the project demonstrators. Circular coupons and a test plan have been developed and completed. Further development of sustainable manufacturing, recycling and characterization of the processed materials was achieved. Rivet removal experiments have been carried out, including investigation in scanning techniques and cutting strategies for automated dismantling. Intensive studies were carried out on upcycling and the derived new recyclate materials were characterized and investigated, concluding in a LCA performed for the novel processes. SHM methods could be successfully demonstrated and used in the final cyclic tests with promising findings regarding the further sensor development. Extensive joining tests were performed, for metal as well as thermoset and thermoplastic composites and hybrid combinations, considering both first and second life materials. The strength of the joints was tested to quantify the performance of 2nd life materials compared to their 1st life counterparts. With M19 of SUSTAINair, the realization of a total of 3 different demonstrators started, showcasing the outcome from WPs 1-4. Manufacturing activities were initiated, alongside preparation of individual test plans and assessment of all demonstrator variants to take place in the final project period. DEC activities are progressing smoothly with increased presence at many relevant events and joined forces with sister research projects in the aviation sector.