Periodic Reporting for period 2 - VALID (Verification through Accelerated testing Leading to Improved wave energy Designs)
Reporting period: 2022-06-01 to 2024-05-31
WP2, led by AVL, has gathered requirements needed for the wave energy sector by means of workshops, meetings, and questionnaire. AVL developed an interface for the simulation tool OrcaFlex and successfully tested it (Fig 1). Based on the basic concept for model integration with test beds (Fig 2), first prototypes namely for “feeding live data to the test bed” were implemented (Fig 3 and 4).
WP3, led by Corpower Ocean (CPO), has defined a testing program according to the methodology proposed in WP1, which focuses on four of the CPO dynamic sealing systems. AVL completed a demo of co-simulation with Simulink and Orcaflex, providing input on how to handle the hydrodynamic block of CPO’s W2W model (Fig 5). A study on use of machine learning for predictive maintenance of dynamic sealing systems is ongoing with a third party. CPO have been progressing with design and commissioning of the seal rig (Fig 6) such that the electrical connections and software overhaul have been completed.
WP4, led by Tecnalia, has defined generator thermal fatigue testing according to the methodology proposed in WP1. It was identified that critical failure modes of electrical generators will focus on generator stator stresses, which cause winding failure. Upgrades for the OWC device are in progress and the generator working conditions have been quantified and power peaks characterized for accelerated tests. A fully coupled numerical model was created together with AVL (Fig 7).
WP5, led by Wavepiston (WPN), has defined a testing program according to the methodology proposed in WP1, which supports the development of a damage model and probabilistic models for mechanical seal performance. WPN has performed a detailed FMEA of the Wavepiston design (Fig 8). The user case specific W2W model and configuration to the hybrid testing platform, as well as activities related to High fidelity CFD are progressing. A new test rig is now under development.
WP6, led by RINA-C, has focused on the preparation of standardization and regulatory inventory, which identifies the areas of improvement in existing technical specifications, to liaise with IEC technical committees.
WP7, led by Aquatera Atlántico, has developed: Knowledge Exchange & Dissemination Strategy, Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results, Data Management Plan, Communications Plan and Training Program Plan.