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PHev towards zerO EmissioNs & ultimate ICE efficiency

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PHOENICE (PHev towards zerO EmissioNs & ultimate ICE efficiency)

Période du rapport: 2022-07-01 au 2023-06-30

PHOENICE aims at developing a C SUV-class plug-in hybrid vehicle demonstrator whose fuel consumption and pollutant emissions will be jointly minimized for real world driving conditions. This development will require the optimisation of a highly efficient gasoline engine, relying on a dual dilution combustion approach with excess air and EGR, synergizing an innovative in-cylinder charge motion with high pressure injection and an electrified turbocharger. To achieve the targeted near-zero emissions in transient conditions specific to PHEV in real driving conditions, the demonstrator vehicle will be equipped with a dedicated after-treatment system including an electrically heated catalyst, a SCR and a GPF for abating NOx, particle number down to 10 nm, and non-regulated gaseous emissions. The vehicle overall efficiency will be increased with an exhaust waste heat recovery system for generating an additional electric power contribution for cabin heating or cooling, or for reducing the switch-on time of the internal combustion engine in cold conditions.
An initial model of the reference vehicle was developed and then updated with the PHOENICE target powertrain lean-burn mode. An integrated simulation approach to powertrain design and development was used to assess the influence of individual powertrain components on fuel consumption (CO2) and exhaust emissions.
The main features of this gasoline diluted engine were selected and optimised. The charge motion and related intake ports, as well as the compression ratio and piston shape, were optimised through 3D CFD to implement the SwumbleTM-like in-cylinder charge motion. These technologies were implemented on the PHOENICE prototype engine: a new cylinder head, an EGR loop, a new piston with a compression ratio of 13.5 a prototype connecting rod and a new injection system (350 bar instead of 200bar). The turbocharging system was selected and sized using 1D simulations tools.
The design and layout of the complete exhaust after-treatment system (EATS) was defined, taking into account both the specific requirements of the lean-burn petrol hybrid application, and the anticipated requirements to meet Euro 7 legislation. A first prototype of the close-coupled section of the system is now available for steady-state analysis on the engine.
The technical requirements of the waste heat recovery system (WHRS), comprising both the thermos-electric generator (TEG) and exhaust recovery system (EHRS) modules have been defined. Performance, geometry and packaging have been studied and optimized.
CRF has delivered the open ECU hardware, pre-calibrated baseline software and software documentation. All the interfaces for the rapid prototyping software are defined and integration of the defined bypass variables for LP-EGR control was successfully implemented. All the necessary engine and after-treatment control functions to manage the new technologies are defined. Base SW functionality developed and tested for EGR valve, admission valve and VNT actuator.
Integration of EGR loop has been designed and early prototype parts have been realized.
Powertrain cooling system have been modified in order to include EGR cooler, eTurbo and WHRS on the low temperature circuit. The positioning of the ccATS and ufATS with the adaptation of the position of the lambda sensor and the intake air duct components was carried out.
Production of a first versions of both the Communication and Dissemination Master Plan (CDMP) and the Data Management Plan (DMP). The communication toolkit was submitted in June 2021. The website is online and communicates PHOENICE objectives and expected outcomes. It is directly linked to social media (LinkedIn) where PHOENICE actively promotes the project’s outcomes to professional and public networks.
PHOENICE participated in a first conference, the CO2 Reduction for Transportation Systems Conference. IEIC also prepared a first update of the market study and presented to the partners an exploitation methodology to select “valuable objects” and determine the best way to exploit them.
A Consortium agreement, based on the DESCA model, was signed by all partners in April 2021.
A detailed project manual has been defined based on « Workplan Tables - Detailed implementation » section of the Grant Agreement (GA). A quality management plan (QMP) has also been established. This QMP provides some guidelines on the processes that each partner should follow to ensure the quality of results and deliverables required for the successful implementation of the project.
The Project Technical Committee (PTC), organised monthly, is responsible for monitoring technical achievements, the overall coherence of the project's scientific objectives, the monitoring of milestones and critical risks. 14 PTC meetings took place during this first reporting period.
The PHOENICE concept will comply with the future legislation regarding pollutant emissions using an existing hybrid powertrain with an advanced control minimising both fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in real driving conditions.
Thanks to the development of internal combustion engine and hybrid powertrain control strategy, the demonstrator prototype will be fully RDE compliant in all conditions. The internal combustion engine will be specifically developed for hybrid applications, taking into account their specific use and requirements. The engine concept will be designed to combine a long stroke configuration, a high compression ratio, and an innovative SwumbleTM charge motion. The turbulent kinetic energy required for sustaining ignition and flame propagation in diluted conditions will be significantly increased. Combining air and EGR dilution will also support the reduction of NOx emissions. The use of an E-turbo will provide the necessary boosting pressure to achieve high dilution rates, and also enhance some additional capabilities such as energy recovery or smart exhaust catalyst light-off strategies.
The project will provide a validated system achieving the conversion objectives when aged in gasoline conditions (TRL 9). The system developed will be proven to perform to EU7 levels and beyond in RDE conditions (TRL 9). Compact new generation EHRS and TEG for PHEVs C-SUVs will also be developed and designed.
Control functions combining EGR, advanced turbocharging, high pressure fuel injection system, ignition, electrically heated catalyst and SCR will be developed and implemented. The PHOENICE internal combustion engine will demonstrate a higher efficiency than the baseline engine.
Inter-component controls will play in increasing role in the whole system to meet requirements for energy consumption, transient operation, drivability, and low tailpipe emissions. Early virtual calibration, with a well modelled EATS, at an early stage of development will give direction to hardware and controls development. Variable lean or stoichiometric after-treatment under a wider range of environmental conditions will be enabled by calibration for additional control strategies for SCR dosing, WHR, and an increased number of sensors.