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Creating the 21st century spatial ecosystem


Die Zukunft der urbanen Luftmobilität gestalten

Die rasante Urbanisierung hat verdeutlicht, wie dringend moderne Städte eine nachhaltige Mobilitätsinfrastruktur benötigen. Die urbane Luftmobilität ist eine kostengünstige, umweltfreundliche und intelligente Lösung. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FF2020 möchte bei der Lösung derzeitiger ökologischer, sozialer, wirtschaftlicher und technischer Probleme voranschreiten, indem es ganzheitliche, sichere und bequeme Lösungen bietet. Dazu widmet es sich der Entwicklung eines modernen raumbezogenen Systems für die urbane Luftmobilität, das Governance-, Regulierungs- und Interoperabilitäts-Rahmen umfasst, sowie eine räumliche digitale Infrastruktur und ein Identity-of-Things-System. FF2020 wird diese innovative Lösung in fünf Reallabors einsetzen, beurteilen und dadurch wertvolles Wissen gewinnen, das die Drohneninfrastruktur, die autonome Überwachung und Lieferungen bis an die Haustür in ganz Europa revolutionieren wird.


Although roughly half the world’s inhabitants live in cities, they generate more than 80 percent of the Global Domestic Product (GDP). Around the world, cities are introducing initiatives aimed at addressing urban mobility issues, improving (digital) infrastructures and tackling pollutiAlthough roughly half the world’s inhabitants live in cities, they generate more than 80 percent of the Global Domestic Product (GDP). Around the world, cities are introducing initiatives aimed at addressing urban mobility issues, improving (digital) infrastructures and tackling pollution. It is expected that 80% of the world’s population will live in cities in 2050. Urban Air Mobility (UAM) is described as the lifeblood of modern cities, a critical economic factor and a facilitator of smart, sustainable development.

Flying Forward 2020 (FF2020) embraces this new reality and wants to be a European and global frontrunner in solving these environmental, social, economic and technologic challenges of the 21st century by providing integrated, inclusive and sustainable (digital) solutions that are safe, secure and convenient. FF2020 offers an entire state-of-the-art spatial UAM ecosystem which includes a governance model and framework (interoperable and scalable); regulatory framework (machine-readable and executable); geospatial digital infrastructure (technology agnostic digital toolbox); Identity of Things Scheme (identity framework for operators, drones, authorities and AI-algorithms); and interoperability frameworks (technical, semantic, legal/policy and organisational) – which fully comply with existing EU-regulation and yet challenges these regulations.

By developing, deploying and testing the UAM spatial ecosystem in 5 Living Labs we are able to involve countries, cities and communities on a regular basis and process their feedback through our iterative approach. The practical results will be best-in-class drone infrastructure, autonomous monitoring and last-mile delivery.

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