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Responsible Open Science in Europe

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Report of the Stakeholder Forum activities
Discipline-related guidelines
Report on the Dissemination and Communication Plan
Report of Interviews
Suggested framework for addressing the (epistemic-ethical) challenges with knowledge production

Suggested framework for addressing the epistemicethical challenges with knowledge production

Short policy brief

"NTUA, together with UiO, will prepare two short policy briefs (M18, M36), as a concise and comprehensive summary of the outcomes of the mapping of the engagement activities of ROSiE, i.e. being firmly anchored to the project's extensive empirical study. These policy briefs will primarily target research and government policy makers, as well as other stakeholders with the potential to influence policy, and provide them the best policy options and recommendations.The 1st policy brief (M18) will situate ROSiE in the on-going policy context and report on insights and lessons learned from the first 18 project months.The second, and final policy brief (M36) will provide policy recommendations for a range of stakeholders based on the insights and lessons learned from the project implementation (2nd reporting period) and finalization."""

D1.1 Report on the relationship (tensions, challenges, overlaps) between RI, the wider RE perspective and OS

D11 Report on the relationship tensions challenges overlaps between RI the wider RE perspective and OS

Risk Management Plan
Strategy policy paper
Report on social and legal implications and challenges related to OS

Report on social and legal implications and challenges related to OS.

IP/Knowledge Management Plan

IPKnowledge Management Plan

Innovation Management Plan
Report on a strategy to engage stakeholders
Final analysis and mapping of existing European and national OS infrastructures with regard to promoting responsible OS
Preliminary analysis and mapping of existing European and national OS infrastructures with regard to promoting responsible OS
Report on existing policies and guidelines
Recommendations resulting from the analysis of the consultation process
Quality Management Plan
ROSiE conceptual and normative framework for tackling the ethical, epistemic, disciplinary and RIrelated challenges of advancing OS-practices

ROSiE conceptual and normative framework for tackling the ethical, epistemic, disciplinary and RIrelated challenges of advancing OS-practices

Policy document complementing the ECoC
Set of instructions supporting trainers in using the teaching materials
Horizontal Coordination & cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum Report
Didactic framework including learning outcomes and indicators for their achievement
Recommendations for addressing social challenges related to OS
Two cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum workshops

Information on significant events (title, date, location, content). The first version will be submitted by M3 and then upgraded in month 12, month 24 and month 36.

Report on the results of piloting the training materials
Final version of the content of training materials for 2-days training for 4 groups of trainees in 4 fields of science
Comparison of existing technologies to safeguard responsible OS


Contours of a research ethics and integrity perspective on open science

Auteurs: Tom, Lindemann; Lisa, Häberlein
Publié dans: Contours of a research ethics and integrity perspective on open science, Numéro Volume 8, 2023, ISSN 2504-0537
Éditeur: Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics
DOI: 10.3389/frma.2023.1052353

Open Science Knowledge Production: Addressing Epistemological Challenges and Ethical Implications

Auteurs: Bjørn Hofmann
Publié dans: Publications, Numéro Volume 10; Numéro 3, 2022, Page(s) Pages: 24, ISSN 2304-6775
Éditeur: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/publications10030024

Responsible Open Science: Research Ethics and Research Integrity in the Governance of Open Science

Auteurs: Editors: Rosemarie Bernabe, Signe Mezinska, Kadri Simm, Cynthia Wangamati, Søren Holm Note that most of the ROSiE partners are authors of chapters
Publié dans: Book, 2025
Éditeur: Edward Elgar Publishing

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