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Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
D33 Future scenarios and guidelines for responsible gender sensitive making M30This deliverable combines the final output from the case action including the data exploration activities of T31 with the participatory activities from T32 T33 and T34 and will be provided as a manuscript for an academic publication
Critical Making BaselineD21 Critical Making Baseline M6This deliverable includes a stateoftheart report based on literature review and desktop research with a special focus on best practices research gaps and opportunities it will introduce a first version of the analytical framework defined in close cooperation with WP6 to ensure its relevance and a first version of the methodological toolbox as input for the codesign activities in WP3 4 and 5
Final report on Critical Making CED activities and exploitationD73 Final report on Critical Making CED activities and exploitation M30Summary report on CED activities their impact and plans on how to exploit the project results by the partners
Critical Making social responsibility framework for maker space innovation activitiesD 61 Critical Making social responsibility framework for maker space innovation activities M12A summary report of the Critical Making social responsibility framework will be created The main aim of the report is to support the evaluation of case actions in WPs 36 In addition to internal usage the report will also contribute to a broader knowledge on how to develop the MoRRI indicators for the purpose of analysing grassroots innovations Therefore the report will be published online at the CM web site and will be communicated to other relevant ongoing Swafs projects eg SuperMoRRI
Critical Making Evaluation Report as a scientific articleD62 Critical Making Evaluation Report as a scientific article M30Based on the evaluation data a scientific article on the meaning of social responsibility in the maker movement and how to evaluate it with Critical Making evaluation framework will be coauthored The publication will be targeted for the STS community and in addition to presenting the empirical findings of Critical Making it will also focus on showing how the theorizing of social movement studies can contribute to STS understanding of RRI principles in different contexts
Review of measures to integrate young people into the maker communityD41 Review of measures to integrate young people into the maker community M6This deliverable is a comprehensive report on identified good practices and educational programmes to integrate young people into making activities
Project Handbook (incl. QA plan and ethical requirements according to EC regulations)D11 Project handbook incl QA plan and ethical requirements according to EC regulations M3This deliverable describes internal quality assurance and communication procedures
Participatory gender actionsD32 Participatory gender actions M24This deliverable reports on the codesigned measures and how they have been implemented and perceived by the involved actors This report is presented in the form of a manuscript for an academic paper submission
Report on Critical Youth Maker encountersD42 Report on Critical Youth Maker encounters M24Documentation incl short videos of the events for teachers educational providers operators of maker spaces and policy makers and the Makeathon for young people with the focus on critical making
Special issue on Critical MakingD74 Special issue on Critical Making M30Journal Special Issue a Book or similarly collated scientific publication of the project results by a range of coauthors including partners and participants
Case actions and methodologiesD22 Case actions and methodologies M12The document builds on D21 and describes the areas of application based on the coideation workshops that are held with representatives and potentially relevant stakeholders from the case actions It also includes a methodological toolbox based on proposed methods to be applied in the 3 case actions and further developed over time
Interim report on Critical Making CED activities and exploitation plansD72 Interim report on Critical Making CED activities and exploitation plans M18Detailed report on the CED activities and their achieved impact Outline of the plans for future exploitation of project results
Critical Review of Openness in the Maker CommunityD51 Critical Review of Openness in the Maker Community M6This scientific publication summarizes the desktop research findings complemented with primary data and offers a critical reflection on current activities related to Openness in making
Alternative framings of Critical MakingD23 Alternative framings of Critical Making M30Summary of the experiences in WP2 in terms of defining and applying a new Critical Making analytical framework and corresponding methodological tools
Openness and RRI in the maker movementD54 Openness and RRI in the maker movement M30This deliverable is a research article on the interrelations between openness and other RRI criteria in the maker movement As a result of the analysis of Task 54 a research article targeted for an STS journal is coauthored with VTT GIG and Wikifactory partners The manuscript will be presented in suitable STS conferences EASST 4S during the third year of the project and submitted for review by the month 30
Critical Making Practical GuidelinesD 63 Critical Making Practical Guidelines M30This deliverables is a collection of practical guidelines for makers and educators It will be available in an easy access format and will include best practices and guidelines for makers and teachers educational providers operators of maker spaces and policy makers guidelines for socially responsible open hardware projects as a summary of guidelines on how to promote social responsibility as part of open hardware development guidelines on how to make maker spaces more inclusive which should indicate a practical way for maker spaces to implement gender sensitive and RRI compliant measures in the future and policy makers on how to support and incentivise gender inclusive measuresguidelines to introduce the RRI and sustainability principles and to support the design of participatory evaluation processes and transformative innovation policies for the use of maker spaces It will also include ethicsrelated training contents for maker spaces to increase the awareness on the ethical aspects of innovation processes and to provide tools for ethical consideration and ethics assessment
Critical Making Open Hardware PrizeD52 Critical Making Open Hardware Prize M24This deliverable is twofold 1 it documents the process on how to design and run an open hardware prize which is open and free to be adopted by any other funding organization worldwide and 2 it includes an Open Hardware projects catalogue which features the winning the projects which are showcases of critical making projects that follow RRI principles
Communication, dissemination and engagement (CED) planD71 Communication engagement and dissemination CED plan M6Document that presents the planned dissemination communication and engagement activities and the corresponding strategy and necessary measures to implement it
Data management reportD13 Data management report M30Final report on the data handling procedures and Critical Making Open Science practice according to RRI ethical guidelines as well as GDPR compliance
Critical Review of Gender Aspects and Activities in the Maker CommunityD31 Critical Review of Gender Aspects and Activities in the Maker Community M6In this deliverable we document the initial findings from the exploration phase where we try to identify and map existing gender specific methods and engagement practices
D12 Data management plan M6The data management plan will be aligned with RRI guidelines
Kutschera, Alexander
Publicado en:
Critical Making Consortium
Publicado en:
Sipos, Regina; Åkerman, Maria; Saari, Hanna; Kieslinger, Barbara
Publicado en:
Fab 17 Research Papers Stream
Hanna Saari; Maria Åkerman; Barbara Kieslinger; Jouko Myllyoja; Regina Sipos
Publicado en:
Sustainability, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Regina Sipos; Maria Åkerman
Publicado en:
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 2023, ISSN 1351-1610
Carfax Publishing Ltd.
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