CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.
Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
Development of two tools to help innovators, regulators, civil society organizations, and researchers move beyond the principle and checklist nature of ethical codes by developing their sensitivity to ethical issues (Social Readiness Tool and Ethical roleplaying tool).
Results of media analysisSocietal awareness and acceptance resulting from the media analysis
Manuscript for an article outlining the refined and revised methodologyOutline of a refined and revised methodology for ethical analysis of emerging technologies based on the experience in the project leading to a ‘TechEthos’anticipatory ethics model.
Criteria for ethical review by RECs in the identified techsDevelopemnt of criteria for ethical review by RECs in the selected emerging technologies and recommendations on how to complement/revise already existing operational guidelines for RECs to make them useable for emerging technologies.
Operational guidelines or codes for selected technologiesExploring the needs and gaps in current operational guidelines and codes of conduct and development/refinement of operational guidelines or codes for the selected technologies using ehtics by design and taking into account the expectations of different stakeholder groups.
Evolution of advanced TechEthos scenariosDescription of the multi-stage scenario process and advanced TechEthos scenarios detecting stakeholders' attitudes towards the ethical implications of the selected technologies.
Dissemination and communication reportDocumentation of all dissemination and communication activities and achievements of the TechEthos project.
Policy brief on the need for dedicated legislation at the EUlevel for the studied technologiesShort and informative analysis on possible needs for dedicated legislation at the EU level for the selected emerging technologies based on the consultation with representatives from EU projects carrying out similar legal analysis to be shared with EU policy makers.
Advisory and impact board members' activities, cooperation and clustering activitiesReport on commmon activites of Advisory and impact board members, and on cooperationand clustering activities.
Description of the high socio-economic impact technologiesIdentification and description of new technologies that are likely to have significant ethics dimensions and high socioeconomic impacts initial list of 2030 potentially relevant technologies
Methodology for ethical analysis, scan results of existing ethical codes and guidelinesDescription of the methodology for ethical analysis and scan results of existing ethical codes and guidelines at the international level for the selected technologies to identify the state of the art and set the ground for further work
Tools to develop and advance scenarios dealing with the ethics of new technologiesDocumentation of developement and refinement of tools for scenario development.
Scan of publicly available results of other EU funded projectsIdentification of relevant RE and RI projects and scanning of the publicly available results of the projects with regard to their relevance for the work in TechEthos eg similar ethical analysis legal analysis public opinion surveys to avoid double work
Reflections and revised methodology for ethical and social impacts-driven horizon scanningBased on analyses performed a revised ethical and social impactsdriven horizon scanning methodology is provided
Assessment and final selection of high impact technologiesAssessment of the expected socioeconomic impact of the technologies and technologyfamilies and final selection of high impact technologies based on an impact evaluation matrix and expert workshop
Legal issues and challenges of the identified technologies and analysis of relevant international and EU laws and policiesIdentification of the legal issues and challenges with a focus on those affectingcontributing to the stimulation of innovation and socioeconomic inequalities analysis of relevant international and EU laws and policies with respect to each of the identified technologies and a comparison of both the legalregulatory and procedural framework
Enhancement of legal frameworksProposition of ways to enhance or adjust existing legal frameworks for the selected technologies with a focus on the wider international and national context.
Complementing the ALLEA European Code of Conduct for Research IntegrityGaps and necessary additions to improve the integration of ethics in research protocols are outlined and the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity will be complemented as regards ethical implications of new technologies as well as taking into considerations other trends emerging in the research landscape.
Identification and specification of potential ethical issues and impacts and analysis of ethical issuesIdentification and specification of present and potential future ethicial issues regarding the identified new technologies and further analysis of ethical issues including details about nuances and contexts
Societal awareness and acceptance and stakeholder attitudes resulting from the scenario developmentsAnalysis of societal awareness and acceptance and stakeholder attitudes towards new technologies based on scenarios.
Enhancement of ethical frameworks and outline of detailed ethics frameworkExploration of ways to enhance specific existing ethical frameworks for the selected technologies, using one or more existing ethical frameworks (generic or specific to the identified technology) as a case study and outlining of a detailed framework that supports the effective ethics governance of new technologies.
Policy brief on expert scenarios addressing ethical implications of the selected technologiesShort and informative analysis on ethical implications of the selected technolgies based on expert scenarios
National legal case studies and comparative analysisNational legal case studies focussing on the state of the law and current legal responses on the identified topic (as evidenced in policy, legislative developments and case law, procedural frameworks, role of ethics committees and other advisory and regulatorystructures) as well as a summary comparative overview of the individual country studies.
Design of resources to promote the project and ensure a recognisable visual identity establishment of a website maintainance of social media accounts eg TwitterLinkedIn and production of marekting materials
Steven Umbrello, Pieter Vermaas, Andrea Porcari, Gustavo Gonzales, Laurynas Adomaitis, Alexei Grinbaum, Anais Resseguier
Publicado en:
Journal of Responsible Innovation, 2024, ISSN 2329-9037
Taylor & Francis
Laurynas Adomaitis; Alexei Grinbaum
Publicado en:
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, Edición 4, 2024, ISSN 1936-3567
Anais Resseguier, Fabienne Ufert
Publicado en:
Research Ethics, 2023, ISSN 2047-6094
Alexei Grinbaum, Laurynas Adomaitis
Publicado en:
Nanoethics, 2022, ISSN 1871-4765
Grinbaum, Alexei; Adomaitis, Laurynas
Publicado en:
AI and Ethics, Edición 9, 2024, ISSN 2730-5961
Alexei Grinbaum; Laurynas Adomaitis
Publicado en:
Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 11, Iss 1 (2024), Edición 19, 2024, ISSN 2329-9037
Anais Resseguier
Publicado en:
AI and Ethics, 2022, Página(s) 247-248, ISSN 2730-5961
Rowena Rodrigues, Anais Resseguier, Nicole Santiago
Publicado en:
Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review, Edición 8, 2023, Página(s) 17-28, ISSN 2786-0736
Ludovika University Press
Laurence Brooks, Sara Cannizzaro, Steven Umbrello, Michael J. Bernstein & Kathleen Richardson
Publicado en:
International Journal of Information Management, 2021, ISSN 0268-4012
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Publicado en:
2023, ISBN 978-3-9823562-3-5
Anais Resseguier
Publicado en:
Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, Página(s) 402–412, ISBN 9781803928562
Edward Elgar
Capasso, Marianna; Umbrello, Steven
Publicado en:
Technology and Sustainable Development: The Promise and Pitfalls of Techno-Solutionism, Edición 18, 2023, ISBN 9781003325086
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