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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Opportunity Ecosystems Bridging the Gender Gap

Descrizione del progetto

Favorire la parità di genere con iniziative innovative nel settore tessile e dell’abbigliamento

Nei settori economici tradizionali è realmente possibile ottenere la parità di genere con la creazione di un ecosistema integrato e solido, dove siano favorite le opportunità per le donne. Il progetto finanziato dall’UE, si propone di migliorare definitivamente la strutturazione delle opportunità nell’ambito del settore tessile e dell’abbigliamento in Europa, nonché di promuovere, evidenziare e celebrare il ruolo di primo piano svolto dalle donne nell’innovazione. Il progetto si rivolgerà a varie fasce di età, comunità e imprese locali. Combinerà gli approcci di una nuova accademia tessile, in cui si incontrano tessuti, manifattura digitale e biologia con quelli di un ecosistema aziendale variegato, incentrato sulla realizzazione di percorsi alternativi, circolari e sostenibili alla sovrapproduzione e alla diminuzione del valore.


Bridging the gender gap, in its mature phase, means moving through collaboration in scientific sectors towards innovation in business sectors. blends the approaches of two leading innovation ecosystems – Fabricademy ( and TCBL ( - within the textiles and clothing sector and acts to promote, highlight and celebrate the leading role of women in innovation, with the goal of permanently re-shaping the opportunity structures of at least 16 European Member States and Associated Countries.

To carry out this goal, develops an integrated innovation ecosystem promoting gender parity along three strategic axes:
- Learning Paths, modelled on the Fabricademy curricula, engage girls and women innovators belonging to three age groups.
- Innovation Services, based on the TCBL Lab Service model, engage local communities and businesses in collaborative innovation activities as well as carrying out networked multi-Lab innovation projects and validating new business concepts.
- Reputation Management promotes different types of role models within the community of the girls and women leading the way in the sector’s transformation.
These activities are accompanied by four transversal WPs – Opportunity Ecosystem, Evaluation and Impact Assessment, Communication and Dissemination, and Project Management - that ensure their coherence in working towards the overall objectives. is a two-year initiative with a consortium of 10 partners in 7 countries, led by the service company of the TCBL network; its activities expand from a first set of 6 core Labs to incorporate 12 ‘transfer’ Labs in a second phase of implementation. Sustainability is ensured by incorporation of the new learning and service modules into the two pre-existing Fabricademy and TCBL networks, with the diffused uptake of results driving impact towards enhanced roles and improved opportunities for women in mainstream economic sectors.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 236 687,50
75017 PARIS

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 236 687,50

Partecipanti (10)