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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

In/Tangible European Heritage - Visual Analysis, Curation and Communication

Descrizione del progetto

Visualizzare, narrare e riunire il patrimonio culturale materiale e immateriale

Un tesoro di oggetti, conoscenze e testi conservato in musei, gallerie, archivi e biblioteche d’Europa documenta la nostra storia da una serie di punti di vista diversi, ma innumerevoli connessioni e storie che legano tali oggetti sono andate perse nei secoli. Il progetto InTaVia, finanziato dall’UE, riunirà diverse banche dati nazionali contenenti risorse immateriali, come dati biografici di figure storiche, o che includono oggetti culturali materiali. L’obiettivo generale è sviluppare un portale informativo per l’integrazione, l’analisi e la comunicazione visiva di tali beni, nonché elaborare nuove modalità per la creazione, la cura e la narrazione dei dati, sostenute da strumenti visuali. In tal modo, le ricchezze della cultura europea saranno più accessibili sia agli esperti che al pubblico.


Due to a wide range of digitization initiatives, cultural heritage (CH) databases have greatly enhanced access to cultural and historical data across Europe. On the one hand, tangible cultural objects from museums, archives, and libraries have become accessible online and aggregated transnationally by platforms such as Europeana. On the other hand, intangible assets—such as language-based accounts on the lives of artists—have been organized and shared as biographical databases on a national level. While these developments provide an excellent basis for the enhanced reception, utilization, and promotion of European CH, various restrictions prevent the exploitation of the existing data.
The InTaVia project aims to overcome some of these barriers with a deliberate combination of research and development objectives. Firstly, it will draw together tangible and intangible assets of European heritage to enable their mutual contextualization. Secondly, it will develop new means of data creation, curation, and transnational integration. Thirdly, it will develop a visual analytics environment to help CH experts to better access, analyze, and visually communicate cultural collections and related biographical and contextual knowledge to the interested public. Thereby, InTaVia will develop an information portal for the integration, visual analysis and communication of tangible and intangible cultural assets, supporting synoptic sensemaking and storytelling about European heritage with implications for research, pedagogy, journalism, cultural tourism, creative industries and heritage institutions.
The transdisciplinary project consortium extends existing work and collaborations in European research infrastructures and national digital humanities projects. The InTaVia team is composed of computer scientists specialized in visualization and computational linguists, digital humanists, HCI researchers, historians, and CH entrepreneurs.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 588 972,50
3500 Krems

Mostra sulla mappa

Ostösterreich Niederösterreich Waldviertel
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 588 972,50

Partecipanti (8)