CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Results of evaluation of available EO data in general ElectroOptical images and nonEO data Assessment of Copernicus products available in the Arctic RegionBelow a not exhaustive list of data and products that will be evaluatedRadar and Optical imagesSUOMI NPP VIIRS SIGINT Satellite dataCMEMS products for Arctic region such as SEA Ice driftSentinel5P data usability in order to integrate the data extracted by imagery on facility and transportationFor each data and product analyzed will be defined a classification in the following class not useful useful with modification useful
Intermediate Exploitation PlanCommunication Plan
A detailed communication strategy created at the start of the project
Final Exploitation PlanProject Management Plan
Project Management Plan to ensure the correct execution of the project according to its organization objectives and the project master plan
Newsletter Workshop 2 Minutes
"Communication package #1"Newsletters Posters Brochures Leaflets Workshop 1 Minutes
WebsiteCreation of Projects website
Strategy for data management and guided data management assessment
Achille Ciappa, Marco Corsi, Chiara Francalanci, Paolo Giacomazzi, Tommaso Terenghi
Publié dans:
The XIX Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (ITAIS 2022), Catanzaro, Italy, 2022
Chiara Francalanci
Marco Corsi
Publié dans:
FOSS4G Conference, Florence, Italy, 2022
Marco Corsi
Marco Corsi, Chiara Francalanci, Paolo Giacomazzi, Paolo Ravanelli, Simone Tilia
Publié dans:
The XX Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (ITAIS 2023), Torino, Italy, 2023
Chiara Francalanci
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