CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Assessment of top-down biogenic VOC fluxes and uncertainties
D6.3SEEDS IT Platform design and operations plan
D5.2Report on SEEDS emission added-value for the operational CAMS results -performance and scores - builds on D5.1
D4.4Tests and evaluation of 4DEn Var assimilation with synthtic and real observations and comparison with 3D Var
D4.1Development and evaluation of ensemble predictions with MOCAGE
D6.1 M18Exploitation and IPR plan
D6.1 M3Exploitation and IPR plan
D1.5Report on the uncertainties in S5p-based biomass bruning emissions (BIRA-IASB.)
D3.3Assessment of performance of the SURFEX LDAS-MONDE soil moisture and LAI data products
D4.3Tests and evalutation of 4DEn Var assimilation with synthetic observations
D2.1Optimal methodology for the estimation of S5pbased BVOC fluxes over Europe 20182022
D5.1Report on SEEDS dry deposition added-value for the operational CAMS results - performance and scores
D1.6Report on the feasibility and impact of using S4 observations for deriving the diurnal cycle of NOx emissions
D5.3Publication in peer-reviewed journal of the overall synthesis of the impact of new emission and dry deposition products and of the 4DenVar on MOCAGE CAMS regional analyses and forecats, also discussing the foreseen impact on the other CAMS models.
D6.1 M30Exploitation and IPR plan
Satellite-derived NH3 emission datasets (0.25 resolution) in Europe (2019-2020)
D2.2 2021 - 2022Bottom-up emission estimates of biogenic VOCs based on coupling MEGAN v3.1 and SURFEX LDAS MONDE soil moisture and LAI outputs (0.1 resolution) for 2021-2022
D1.3 2021 - 2022Satellite-derived NH3 emission datasets (0.25 resolution) in Europe (2019-2022)
D1.2 2019 - 2020High resolution NOx emissions based on S5p observations (5 km resolution) -region in North-West Europe (2019-2020)
D2.3 2021 - 2022Top-down S5p-based biogenic VOC emission datasets in Europe (0.1resolution) for 2021-2022
D3.6 2021-2022SEEDS dry deposition flux estimates for ozone, nitric acid, ammonia and sulphur dioxide (0.1 resolution) over the European domain (2021-2022)
D1.1 2021-2022Anthropogenic European NOx emission datasets (0.25 resolution) based on S5p observations (2021-2022)
D2.2 2018 - 2020Bottom-up emission estimates of biogenic VOCs based on coupling MEGAN v3.1 and SURFEX LDAS MONDE soil moisture and LAI outputs (0.1o resolution) for 2018-2020
D3.2 2021 - 2022SURFEX LDAS-MONDE data of soil moisture at 0.1 × 0.1 resolution over the European domain (2021-2022) - open loop,forecasts and analysis
D1.4 2021 - 2022S5p-based biomass burning emission datasets (0.1 resolution) in Europe(2021-2022)
D1.2 2021 - 2022High resolution NOx emissions based on S5p observations (5 km resolution) -region in North-West Europe (2021-2022)
D3.5 2018 - 2020SEEDS Dry deposition parameter estimates (0.1 resolution) over the European domain (2018-2020) for different land cover types
D1.4 2018 - 2020S5p-based biomass burning emission datasets (0.1 resolution) in Europe (2018-2022)
D3.1 2021 - 2022SURFEX LDAS-MONDE data of LAI at 0.1 × 0.1 resolution over the CAMS European domain (2021-2022) - open loop, forecasts and analysis
D1.1 2019-2020Anthropogenic European NOx emission datasets (0.25 resolution)based on S5p observations (2019-2020)
D3.1 2018 - 2020SURFEX LDAS-MONDE data products (open-loop,forecast and analysis) of LAI at 0.1 x 0.1 resolution over the CAMS European domain (2018-2020)
D3.5 2021 - 2022SEEDS Dry deposition parameter estimates (0.1 resolution) over the European domain (2021-2022)
D3.2 2018 - 2020SURFEX LDAS-MONDE data of soil moisture as 0.1 x 0.1 resolution over the CAMS European domain (2018-2020) - open loop, forecats and analysis
D3.6 2018-2020SEEDS dry deposition flux estimates for ozone, nitric acid, ammonia and sulphur dioxide (0.1 resolution) over the European domain (2018-2020)
D2.5Biogenic NOx emissions based on S5p observations (2019-2022)
D2.3 2018 - 2020Top-down S5p-based biogenic VOC emission datasets in Europe (0.1 resolution) for 2018-2020
Online questionnaires to industrial and agricultural stakeholders
van der A, R. J., Ding, J., and Eskes, H
Pubblicato in:
EGUsphere (preprint), 2024
EGU Spheres
Trimmel, H., Hamer, P.D., Mayer, M., Schreier, S.F., Weihs. P., Eitzinger, J., Sandén, H., Fitzky ,A. C., Richter , A., Calvet, J-C., Bonan, B., Meurey, C., Vallejo, I., Eckhardt, S., Sousa Santos, G., Oumami, S., Arteta, J., Marécal, V., Tarrasón, L., Karl, T. and H. E. Rieder
Pubblicato in:
Atmospheric Environment, Numero Volume 304, 2023, ISSN 1352-2310
Elsevier BV
Oomen, G.-M., Müller, J.-F., Stavrakou, T., De Smedt, I., Blumenstock, T., Kivi, R., Makarova, M., Palm, M., Röhling, A., Té, Y., Vigouroux, C., Friedrich, M. M., Frieß, U., Hendrick, F., Merlaud, A., Piters, A., Richter, A., Van Roozendael, M., and Wagner, T.:
Pubblicato in:
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2024, ISSN 1680-7324
European Geosciences Union GmbH
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