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Consortium for Hall Effect Orbital Propulsion System – Phase 2 covering MEDIUM POWER needs

Descrizione del progetto

Per un’industria satellitare europea competitiva e affidabile

Con l’esplorazione dello spazio di nuovo in auge e il progresso dell’Internet delle cose e delle tecnologie satellitari, l’Europa ha bisogno di rinnovarsi nel campo dei sistemi di propulsione. Per mantenere il vantaggio concorrenziale, il progetto CHEOPS MEDIUM POWER, finanziato dall’UE, si propone di fornire all’Europa un sistema di propulsione elettrica a effetto Hall a doppia modalità altamente affidabile con una potenza sufficiente a svolgere sia lavori di «Orbit Raising» che di mantenimento della posizione spaziale. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, si sfrutteranno i risultati della fase 1 di CHEOPS per sviluppare componenti che verranno utilizzati per creare soluzioni di assemblaggio e produzione a costo inferiore e di qualità superiore, più rapide e durature.


To prepare future large satellite missions, replace obsolete networks or introduce new on-board technological advances, Europe must offer to its satellite industry a competitive and highly reliable European dual mode Hall-effect Electric Propulsion System able to provide sufficient power to perform both orbit raising (7kW) and station keeping (3kW) duties.
Based on CHEOPS Phase I results, CHEOPS MEDIUM POWER will perform incremental developments on system and sub-system levels in order to achieve TRL6/7 by 2025.
CHEOPS MEDIUM POWER will further mature the different system elements (Thruster Unit, PPU, FMS) by addressing the following key challenges: non-recurring and recurring cost reduction in terms of design, manufacturing, test qualification and time to deliver, as well as propellent efficiency in order to increase valuable payload and generate revenues. These advancements will fit into a less than 10kg thruster working between 300 and 450V. CHEOPS MEDIUM POWER will deliver for the thruster unit an optimised design for a very high thrust and improved lifecycle durations. On an industrial level the project aims at reduced fabrication cycles, improved quality, leaner manufacture, faster assembly lead times, and improved tolerance management. The Power processing unit will be optimised by removing unnecessary functions and re-selecting cheaper key components with at least constant reliability levels. The project’s scope extends to FMS level where space qualifiable COTS will be used to provide maximum mission suitability for variable number of thrusters per satellite.
CHEOPS MEDIUM POWER will have a medium-term impact on the European space industry and its overall competitiveness, but also on the satellite design and manufacturing paradigm in the long term.

Campo scientifico

CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 244 000,00
27200 Vernon

Mostra sulla mappa

Normandie Haute-Normandie Eure
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 3 205 714,29

Partecipanti (8)