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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Enhancing Belmont Research Action to support EU policy making on climate change and health

Descrizione del progetto

Sostenere la politica dell’UE sui cambiamenti climatici e sugli effetti per la salute

Dal momento che i cambiamenti climatici sono una crescente fonte di preoccupazione per le persone di tutto il mondo, i paesi e le organizzazioni hanno iniziato ad agire introducendo nuove leggi o politiche. Per avviare e introdurre queste leggi e politiche, i paesi necessitano dell’aiuto di specialisti in settori che includono i cambiamenti climatici e la ricerca sanitaria per combattere il problema nel modo più efficiente possibile, evitando inoltre di causare ulteriori problemi. Purtroppo, tale processo di attuazione può essere complicato e dispendioso in termini di tempo. Il progetto ENBEL, finanziato dall’UE, si propone di rendere questo processo più semplice unendo un gruppo di esperti in materia di cambiamenti climatici e ricerca sanitaria che forniranno assistenza nel processo decisionale dell’UE.


ENBEL will support EU policy making by bringing together leaders in climate change and health research. We do so by coordinating a network of major international health and climate research projects under the Belmont Forum’s Collaborative Research Action (CRA), Societal Challenge 1 and 5 of EU’s Horizon 2020, and other national and international funding schemes. The network will develop evidence syntheses and co-produce with stakeholders a series of tailor-made knowledge products. The project will engage with EU policy advisors to translate science into policies that help shape low-carbon economies and build climate resilience in member countries while supporting EU diplomacy and development strategies.
The overall concept of ENBEL is a bottom-up approach to networking and cooperation across the often separate worlds of climate and health research communities. This can have major impacts on knowledge production and policies. ENBEL brings together a consortium whose work generates actionable knowledge on how climate change-health risks will develop under global warming, what are the social costs and effective, cost-efficient and equitable mitigation and adaptation strategies. ENBEL focuses on three major climate change related health hazards: environmental and occupational heat, air pollution (particularly from wildfires) and climate-sensitive infectious diseases, with specific attention given to high risk groups and populations within Europe, and in Africa/Asia-Pacific region. ENBEL will support a knowledge management platform of EU funded research on climate change and health is two ways: A) build and manage a web-based knowledge platform of health impact of climate change by using innovative tools such as video, photos, maps and infographics; B) connect to existing and recognised knowledge platforms.Through our partners in low-and middle-income countries (LMIC), ENBEL will support, strengthen and establish channels for collaboration and capacity-building in LMIC.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 692 300,00
0349 Oslo

Mostra sulla mappa

Norge Oslo og Viken Oslo
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 692 300,00

Partecipanti (16)