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Policies and tools for mainstreaming 1.5° Lifestyles


Eine Veränderung der Lebensweise kann zur Bekämpfung der globalen Erwärmung beitragen

Um das 1,5-Grad-Ziel des Übereinkommens von Paris zu erreichen, müssen wir unsere Lebensweise grundlegend ändern. Dies betrifft vor allem die ressourcenintensiven Konsumbereiche Mobilität, Wohnen, Ernährung und Freizeit. Zur Förderung der 1,5-Grad-Lebensweise verbindet das EU-Projekt 1.5 Lifestyles eine Analyse individueller Perspektiven in Bezug auf die Lebensweise mit einer Untersuchung struktureller Einflüsse auf die Lebensweise betreffende Entscheidungen und Auswirkungen. Darauf aufbauend entwickelt es dann Empfehlungen und Instrumente für politisch Verantwortliche, Haushalte und zwischengeschaltete Organisationen. Es zielt speziell auf das Problem ab, dass die vorherrschenden verhaltensorientierten Ansätze dazu neigen, einzelne Verbrauchende für die Bewältigung der Klimakrise verantwortlich zu machen, während die Auswirkungen der politisch-ökonomischen, gesellschaftlichen und technologischen Strukturen vernachlässigt werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund quantifiziert das Projekt Optionen verschiedener Lebensweisen und ermittelt die notwendigen Veränderungen in relevanten Strukturen, um wirkungsvolle Änderungen der Lebensweise zu ermöglichen.


The IPCC concludeThe IPCC concludes in their Special Report on Global Warming that limiting global temperature increase needs demand-side actions and lifestyle changes. Previous attempts to realise demand-side changes have been hampered by several factors: First, there is very limited quantitative data showing how much a proposed change in lifestyle would contribute to climate change mitigation. Thus, policy makers and citizens lack guidance to make informed choices. Second, there is still limited evidence of public acceptance of drastic changes. This has led to internationally uncoordinated policies and to policies that will very likely fall short on having sufficient impact. Third, policies have usually promoted changes of individual behaviour without addressing structural constraints or structural drivers of unsustainable lifestyles. This has led to policies that remain ineffective and frustrate citizens who wish to make positive lifestyle choices.
We aim to address all three of the above issues, by connecting an analysis of individual lifestyle perspectives, on household level, with policies and socio-economic structures, on all levels from international to local. The analysis will be structured according to the emerging 1.5-degree lifestyles approach, which members of the consortium have helped to define. The advantage of a lifestyle-oriented approach is to link concrete transformations of lifestyle by individuals to transformations of the structural context by policies, economic, and societal institutions. This inclusive approach is original in terms of a research strategy. In practical terms, it is very promising as it offers concrete guidance and as it can be scaled to political, social, and economic capacities on regional to (supra-) national levels. We pursue our aims using quantitative and qualitative methods, country-level assessments and sector-based case studies, as well as innovative participatory formats and a broad range of communication methods.

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