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Risultati finali
The midterm report summaries project progress and financial report
Training package guidelinesGuidelines on development, implementation and evaluation of training process considering the interests of various actors
Draft report on public and private fundingReport on public and private funding for agroecology practise and research in will be elaborated
2nd annual meeting and 2. General Assembly reportA report including the summary of the 2nd annual meeting and the minutes of the 2nd General Assembly will be delivered
EU agroecology strategyA strategy for future development of agroecology in Europe for EU and National policies will be proposed
Mid-term policy briefs2 policy briefs with recommendations for future agroecology policy programmes will be elaborated
Agroecology-Territories as targets of agroecological transformation in EuropeAgroecology-Territories as targets of agroecological transformation at landscape level are presented and evaluated in a report
Draft road map and EU agroecology strategyA report will draft a first road map and a EU agroecology strategy
Draft report on agroecology initiatives and policiesA first report about agroecology initiatives and policies at European level will be delivered also showing differences among countries
Kick-off meeting and 1. General Assembly reportA report including the summary of the kickoff meeting and the minutes of the first General Assembly will be written
Final project reportThe final report summaries the main results of all work packages and the overall project, and provides the final financial report
Framework for a European network of agroecological LLs and RIA framework for the development of a network of agroecological LLs and RI in Europe will be developed
Road mapReport detailing the results of the co-design session and presenting the road map
European report on agroecology initiatives and policies, and differences between countriesA report about agroecology initiatives and policies at European level will be delivered also highlighting major differences among countries
3rd annual meeting and 3. General Assembly reportA report including the summary of the 3rd annual meeting and the minutes of the 3rd General Assembly will be written
Policy briefs and recommendations for future policy programmesPolicy briefs 3 and 4 with recommendations for future agroecology policy programmes will be elaborated
Draft inventory of LLs, RI and Agroecology-TerritoriesA report summarises a first inventory of LLs comparable RI and AgroecologyTerritories
Inventory of LLs, RI and Agroecology-TerritoriesA final report summarises the inventory of LLs, comparable RI and Agroecology-Territories
Report on common and specific agroecology research needs in EuropeThe deliverable will provide an overall picture on common research elements and/or peculiar research trajectories of actors groups or territories and recommendations to plan the future research in agroecology
Draft framework for a European network of agroecological LLs and RIA first framework for the development of a network of agroecological LLs and RI in Europe will be drafted
Tool boxes for long-term LL and RI for agroecological transformationA report illustrated the tool boxes developed for long-term LL and RI for agroecological transformation
Report on agroecology research development and coordination in EuropeThe deliverable will provide a comprehensive picture of the state of the art of the implementation of research in agroecology in Europe its stage of development and the way in which it is coordinated at European Transnational and National level
Report on public fundingReport on public funding (regional/national/EU level) for agroecology practise and research including financial matrix
Report on sustainable funding schemeReport detailing 2 participatory workshop discussion and recommendations
Action agenda reportA report from the results of the co-development and co-learning workshop will be written
Report on private fundingReport on private funding for agroecology practise and research in Europe including financial matrix
Analysis of policy implementation at EU level and different European countries and CAP strategiesA report will synthesis current policy implementation at Europe level and provide illustrations for different countries
The procedures and criteria that will be used to identifyrecruit research participants must be submitted as a deliverable The informed consent procedures that will be implemented for the participation of humans and in regard to data processing must be submitted as a deliverable Templates of the informed consentassent forms and information sheets covering the voluntary participation and data protection issues in language and terms intelligible to the participants must be kept on file to be specified in the grant agreement and the English version must be submitted as a deliverable
POPD - Requirement No. 2The beneficiaries must confirm that it has appointed a Data Protection Officer DPO and the contact details of the DPO are made available to all data subjects involved in the research For beneficiaries not required to appoint a DPO under the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR a detailed data protection policy for the project must be kept on file to be specified in the grant agreement and submitted to the Agency upon request The confirmation for each beneficiary must be submitted as a deliverable The beneficiary must explain how all of the data they intend to process is relevant and limited to the purposes of the research project in accordance with the data minimisation principle This must be submitted as a deliverable A description of the technical and organisational measures that will be implemented to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subjectsresearch participants must be submitted as a deliverable A description of the security measures that will be implemented to prevent unauthorised access to personal data or the equipment used for processing must be submitted as a deliverable Description of the anonymysationpseudonymisation techniques that will be implemented must be submitted as a deliverable In case of further processing of previously collected personal data an explicit confirmation that the beneficiary has lawful basis for the data processing and that the appropriate technical and organisational measures are in place to safeguard the rights of the data subjects must be submitted as a deliverable
Creation of the AE4EU website
European Agroecology Exchange Network Knowledge HubAn online platform with lists of stakeholders with description of role and activities to connect digitally with colleagues and experts, share knowledge, insight and best practice, learn from experiences and inspire innovation and new ways of working in agroecology
First version of Agroecology Exchange Network Knowledge HubA first online platform with lists of stakeholders with description of role and activities to connect digitally with colleagues and experts share knowledge insight and best practice learn from experiences and inspire innovation and new ways of working in agroecology
Communication materials on agroecologyFurther communication materials for raising awareness how agroecology can address the global challenges will be worked out
First communication materials on agroecologyFirst communication materials for raising awareness how agroecology can address the global challenges will be worked out and presented on the Agroecology Exchange Hub
Ileana Iocola, Corrado Ciaccia, Luca Colombo, Baptiste Grard, Stefania Maurino, Alexander Wezel, Stefano Canali
Pubblicato in:
Open Research Europe, 2023, ISSN 2732-5121
Open Research Europe
Anna Brumer, Alexander Wezel, Jens Dauber, Tor Arvid Breland & Baptiste Grard
Pubblicato in:
Open Research Europe, 2023, ISSN 2732-5121
Open Research Europe
Wezel, A., Grard, B., Kamilia, K. Gkisakis, V.
Pubblicato in:
Family Farming Knowledge Platform, Numero V1.2, 2024, Pagina/e All
ISARA and Agroecology Europe, Belgium
Wezel Alexander, Grard Baptiste & Gkisakis Vasileios
Pubblicato in:
2023, Pagina/e All
Agroecology Europe
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