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The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network: Preparation phase

Risultati finali

Stakeholder engagement plan

The stakeholder engagement plan is a living document that will be co-constructed together with all project partners and revised every year. It will guide all stakeholder activities. It contains participatory methodologies and tools, methods for evaluation and survey and coordinates all activities involving stakeholder participation.

Report on the added value of the European Network

The report will explain the added value of the European Network in comparison to existing networks in the agroecological community across Europe

Report on the capacity building validation activity and workshops

The report gives feedback on the main findings following the prototyping and implementation workshops the difficulties encountered in the sessions and give recommendations for the creation of new curricula and training programmes in the framework of AgroEcoLLNet and other identified linking initiatives and projects

Definitions and a set of inclusion criteria for agroecology LLs, pertinent RIs and their synergies

Working with WP2 the set of criteria will be defined to allow the determination of what will be included in the mapping and thereby the Network

Skills and Competencies Framework

The framework encompassing categories and specification of core skills and competencies for accelerating agroecological transition through the development of placebased open innovations and their European networking will be described in a report and used to build the interactive database that will serve future trainers and trainees

Report on Drivers of Agroecology Transition

An analysis of European regulatory planning and funding frameworks that influence research and innovation agendas consumer behavior and eventually agroecological production practices

Overview of Agroecology LLs and RIs in Europe

An inventory of European LLs and RIs organised regionally and ranked according to indicators of the extent to which initiatives contribute to agroecology transition

Agroecology Open Innovation: Best cases across Europe

The report highlights best practice cases of agroecology LL and RI innovation in Europe

Policy report

ALLReady will produce several policy briefs cf D44 This report will be a compilation of the different policy briefs summarizing the key findings and policy recommendations from the ALLReady project

"Report ""Towards a Network of European Agroecology Living Labs"""

Drawing on the outcomes of T22 and T23 the report pins down enablers of transition to agroecology and makes recommendations for a network of LLs across Europe

Building Agroecology Capacity in Europe.

The report will present the results of the mapping and analysis of funding support for agroecology relevant initiatives across Europe FP7 Horizon 2020 and rural and regional development private etc

Project Final Conference

Described in Task 73

Standards & protocols for FAIR data management identification

Standards protocols for FAIR data management identification

Implementation plan for AgroEcoLLNet

This plan will provide a structured framework to sustainably implement run monitor and adapt the AgroEcoLLNet in the long term taking into account IPR and data management requirements

Reference document with key concepts

Based on the results of task 11 a reference document explaining the key concepts will be prepared in order to have a common understanding of the objectives of the network and the key concepts involved eg transitions to agroecological agricultural systems agroecology living labs research infrastructures open innovation translated into different languages

Assessment Framework report

This report will spell out the approach and methodologies to be employed in the mapping and analysis tasks

Report on the preconditions for the sustainability of the Network and recommendations for its long term success

Based on the key factors for the long term sustainability assessment identified T42 the report will present the results of the coconstruction of the preconditions for the sustainability of the Network with NCPs key actors of the pilot network DG Agri and the external advisory board and derive recommendations for the long term success of the European Network that will guide the development of the implementation plan in T44

AgroEcoLLNet Vision and mission document

Based on the consultation and the workshops with stakeholders the vision scope and specific mission document for AgroEcoLLNet will be prepared which will support the deployment of agroecological transition through the placebased open innovation processes The vision scope and specific mission will help identify the foreseen impact of AgroEcoLLNet in Europe and for the international development of placebased innovation for agroecology transition and the tasks assigned to the Network to support such implementation

Data principles and strategy for AgroEcoLLNet
Report on mapped needs and the key end users of the capacity building programme (in link with WP2 and WP3)

This report will highlight who are the key end users and what will be the building blocks of the capacity building programme for instance knowledge participatory methodologies agroecological practices and give suggestions on how to deliver these building blocks key expert training study visits workshops

Policy briefs for regional, national and EU-level policy makers

The briefs will highlight recommendations for policies and funding opportunities at EU national and regional level

Reports of ALL-Ready pilot co-creation experiences.

The learning history of the ALLReady pilot codevelopment will be documented in yearly reports including experienced strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats of applied and tested methods and tools The reports will provide the detailed background documentation for T33

Booklet on overall stakeholder recommendations for AgroEcoLLNet implementation

Lessons learnt in the pilot network concerning barriers solutions and good practices will be synthesised and presented in this deliverable

Project Website and logo

A Project website that will provide the external window for the activities and materials developed by the project This website will be developed to host or link with the digital infrastructures developed in WP6 This website will also allow for internal communication and exchange among registered users


ALL-Ready – The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network: preparation phase

Autori: Gerda Jónász; Korinna Varga; Valéria Csonka
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8374391

ALL-Ready – Europæisk Agroøkologi Levende Laboratorier og Forskningsinfrastrukturer: Forberedelsesfase

Autori: Gerda Jónász; Korinna Varga; Valéria Csonka
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8374422

Policy brief: Co-creation experiences of the ALL-Ready Pilot Network

Autori: Varga, Korinna, Csonka, Valéria
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10042100

ALL-Ready – Le Réseau Européen de Laboratoires Vivants et d'Infrastructures de Recherche en Agroécologie: phase préparatoire

Autori: Gerda Jónász; Korinna Varga; Valéria Csonka
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8374437

ALL-Ready – Europees Living Lab- en Onderzoeksinfrastructuurnetwerk voor Agro-ecologie: voorbereidingsfase

Autori: Gerda Jónász; Korinna Varga; Valéria Csonka
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8374432

Policy Brief: Building a FAIR Future in Agroecology: Data Strategy Recommendations for Living Labs and European Research Infrastructures

Autori: Caro, Daniel; Ávila, José Manuel; Soto, Iria
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10001856

Policy Brief: Accelerating agroecology transition using living labs: policy enablers and barriers

Autori: Berg, Torsten Rødel; Thorsøe, Martin Hvarregaard; Schwarz, Gerald
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10001865

Policy brief: Living Lab Networks in Agriculture: Success Factors and Policy Implications

Autori: McPhee, Chris and Schwarz, Gerald
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10042096

Policy Brief: The benefits of a European Network of Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures

Autori: Stojacic, Isidora; Schwarz, Gerald; Hobeika, May; Göldel, Bastian; Canio Perez, Rocio; Feher, Judit; Monteleone, Daniel; Moeskosps, Bram
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10001814

ALL-Ready – Das europäische Netzwerk für Reallabore und Forschungsinfrastrukturen für die Agrarökologie: Vorbereitungsphase

Autori: Gerda Jónász; Korinna Varga; Valéria Csonka
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8374415

The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network: Preparation phase

Autori: Cavallo, Dolinda ; Ylla Gelabert, Mar
Pubblicato in: 2024
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10581301

Potential of living labs for the agroecological transition

Autori: Mambrini-Doudet M., Gacsuel C., Goedel B., McKhann H.
Pubblicato in: 2021
Editore: Agropolis International

Policy brief: Supporting the sustainable long-term implementation of a European Network of Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures

Autori: Schwarz, Gerald; Stojacic, Isidora; Riedel, Antonia; Hobeika, May; Fosselle, Sylvie; Bijttebier, Jo; Göldel, Bastian; Cavallo, Dolinda; Couture, Isabelle; Monteleone, Daniel; Haller, Lisa
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10033335

Policy Brief: Systems thinking: an important competency for agroecology transition

Autori: Bijttebier, Jo; Fosselle, Sylvie
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: NA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10001835

Policy brief: How Living Labs and Research Infrastructures can support the Agroecology Transition in Europe – Key messages of the final conference

Autori: Fehér, Judit, McKhann, Heather, Schwarz, Gerald, Moeskops, Bram, Haller, Lisa
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10063975

ALL-Ready — La Red Agroecológica Europea de LL y RI: fase de preparación

Autori: Gerda Jónász; Korinna Varga; Valéria Csonka
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8374426

ALL-Ready – Agroökológiai Élő Laboratóriumok és Kutatási Infrastruktúrák Európai Hálózata: felkészülési fázis

Autori: Gerda Jónász; Korinna Varga; Valéria Csonka
Pubblicato in: 2023
Editore: na
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8374439

Les voies de l’innovation en agriculture numérique : les living labs et Digifermes®, des dispositifs pour la co-innovation

Autori: J-E. Bergez, M. Sine, M. Mambrini-Doudet
Pubblicato in: Annales des Mines - Enjeux Numériques, Numero N°19 © Annales des Mines, 2022, ISSN 2781-1263
Editore: Conseil général de l'Économie, ministère de l'Économie et des Finances

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