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The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network: Preparation phase

Description du projet

Ouvrir la voie à l’agroécologie en Europe

Une approche durable et écologique de l’agriculture est aujourd’hui une des solutions pour répondre aux défis croissants du changement climatique, de l’épuisement des ressources naturelles, de la diminution de la biodiversité et de la réduction de la qualité des sols. L’agroécologie est susceptible de contribuer à une gestion efficace de ces enjeux en renforçant la résilience des systèmes agricoles. Les instruments existants offerts par les dispositifs d’innovation ouverte peuvent également servir cet objectif, en particulier les laboratoires vivants et les infrastructures de recherche. C’est pourquoi le projet ALL-Ready, financé par l’UE, développera AgroEcoLLNet, un nouveau cadre pour le futur réseau européen de laboratoires vivants et d’infrastructures de recherche. Le projet posera les bases de son développement et garantira la mise en place des conditions préalables et des activités nécessaires. Des tests permettront de vérifier et d’améliorer les résultats du projet, qui seront largement diffusés en Europe. Le plan de mise en œuvre sera testé et intégré dans le cadre validé d’AgroEcoLLNet.


Today, agricultural systems are facing multiple challenges, including climate change, loss of biodiversity, dwindling resources, degradation of soil and water quality. Agroecology can strengthen the sustainability and resilience of farming systems and thus contribute to addressing these challenges. Based on the premise that Open Innovation Arrangements (OIAs) and in particular Living Labs (LL) and Research Infrastructures (RIs) are instruments that have large potential to contribute to amplifying agroecology in Europe, the main aim of ALL-Ready (this project) is to prepare a framework for a future European network of LLs and RIs (to be called “AgroEcoLLNet”) that will enable the transition towards agroecology throughout Europe. It will rely on a highly participatory and inclusive approach and on experimentation in real life situations and thus itself uses a living lab approach. An underpinning principle of the project is strong stakeholder engagement, which has begun in the preparation of this proposal. The project has 3 phases: an initial preparatory phase in which the vision, scope and mission for the Network are defined and the criteria for inclusion in the Network of LLs and RIs as well as other forms of OIAs are defined. This will enable the mapping of current and emerging LLs, RIs and OIAs across Europe and their characteristics, highlighting best cases. In a second phase, different prerequisites/ activites for the future Network will be prepared ‘(sustainability, including funding, governance, capacity building, data and knowledge management). Plans for each of these will be constructed with stakeholders and then tested in a small-scale pilot network and then refined to match needs. Finally, the outcomes of the work will be communicated widely throughout Europe by a variety of mechanisms. One of the final outcomes of the project will be a pilot-tested Implementation Plan for implementing the validated framework of AgroEcoLLNet, within Horizon Europe.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 498 518,00
75007 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 516 518,75

Participants (16)