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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-29

Widening IST Networking Developmet Support - Latin America

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .

Résultats exploitables

The WINDS Latin America (WINDS LA) project aimed at deepening strategic R&D cooperation between Europe and Latin America by building, starting from what already exists, a multinational and multistakeholder community that will involve a significant representation of the relevant R&D European and Latin American actors (researchers, policy makers, users) and by identifying common needs, research issues and opportunities for cooperative R&D between EU and Latin America, setting the basis for the formulation of a global strategy for future research. In general terms, WINDS LA ends its lifecycle being well-established and visible among researchers and research stakeholders in the EU and especially in the LA regions, where some impact on policy awareness can be already observed, and especially having made a contribution to rise up Latin American institutions participation in the ICT part of FP7 with respect to FP6, encouraging Latin American researchers to participate as partners in projects with European counterparts. The project evaluation activities pointed out some important achievements of the project, such as the number of actors involved during the project lifecycle, the level of responsiveness by LA policy makers to the R&D agenda analysis of the project, the position of 'reference point' that WINDS LA has reached in the field of EU-LA ICT research collaboration (acting as a hub with respect to other initiatives such as SOLAR-ICT or LAC-ACCESS, etc), the appreciation beyond the stakeholders' target groups, and the direct involvement of other countries (such as Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, etc.) than the ones directly involved in the consortium. WINDS LA was able to have a tangible impact on EU-LA cooperation in ICT research, with particular attention to ICT-FP7, along the following dimensions: a) Impact on EU-LA research collaboration. Through activities of web community building and clustering, WINDS LA has fostered existing links and established new ones among EU and LA actors. Thanks to the work done online with the database and in presence with all the promotion activities organised in LA and in Europe, the project has contributed to the recognition and valorisation of excellence research groups in the EU and in Latin America helping therefore researchers, businesses and research organisations from EU and Latin America to have access to knowledge and expertise existing elsewhere. b) Increase Latin American participation within ICT-FP7. All the project promotion, capacity building and support to collaboration activities have had an impact on the participation of research partners from Latin America in FP7, with specific reference to the ICT priority. In terms of actual participation of LA actors in FP7-ICT, the situation is promising. If we look at the participation trend from FP5 on, the following data confirm the trend of growth of LA participation. c) Impact on EU-LA ICT research policy dialogue The project open consultation exercise (composed by the two policy seminars and by the two Delphi consultations) that has led to the WINDS LA EU-LA ICT R&D roadmap has contributed to build a joint EU-LA research perspective in two ways: first through the process itself, by increasing the awareness of the many actors directly involved and second, though the outcomes of the process, which have been disseminated among relevant policy actors in Europe and in LA.

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