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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Cyber secure and resilient CCAM (CCAM Partnership)


Safe and secure operation of vehicles and mobility systems is key to the further deployment of CCAM enabled mobility solutions, also to establish trust and acceptance amongst end users. Extending the system domains beyond the vehicle through connectivity (short range or networked) makes cybersecurity a fundamental building block for trusted (digital) interaction of road users with each other, the infrastructure and cloud-based solutions/services. Systems for CCAM need to be fail-operational and cyber-secure in their entire Operational Design Domains (ODD) guaranteeing a safe and secure operation of vehicles -independent of the respective security level the element or system has within its ODD.

Cybersecurity needs to be an integral part of the development process, with common aims and objectives, frameworks/architectures, and designs (including normal operation, decision making and actuation as well as anomaly detection).

Proposed R&I actions are expected to develop and validate methods and tools strengthening the security of CCAM solutions (vehicles, infrastructure, etc.). They involve specific security building blocks, which are ready-to-use in CCAM applications in vehicles, infrastructure with feasible communication protocols. As a system’s approach integrating vehicles, infrastructure, back-offices and mobility service centres is required, proposed actions are expected to develop harmonised interfaces and protocols.

Further R&I actions have to address continuous assessment of the robustness and resilience of CCAM enabled mobility solutions versus cyber-attacks, malfunction, misuse or system failure of the systems in use.

Actions should consider the security value chain at each level – from vehicle parts up to the transport infrastructure including the related services (e.g. maintenance, mobility) and protecting the user’s privacy and guaranteeing data integrity and authenticity. Actions should propose easy to use and re-use of best practices in cybersecurity for CCAM (i.e. architecture, design and implementation patterns).

In order to achieve the expected outcomes, international cooperation is advised, in particular with projects or partners from the US, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Singapore, Australia.

This topic implements the co-programmed European Partnership on ‘Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility’ (CCAM).