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Building EU-Africa partnerships on sustainable raw materials value chains (CSA)


Actions should include:

  • An in-depth analysis of critical raw materials potential in Africa and existing processing and refining capacities;
  • Mapping and assessing investment opportunities in strategic raw materials value chains in Africa, considering factors as existing potential, availability of infrastructures, good governance and regulatory issues;
  • Developing new business models to integrate EU and Africa raw materials value chains, considering horizontal and vertical integration;
  • Developing a strategy for integration for EU and Africa value chains for the energy and digital transition;
  • Building an EU and Africa business networking with upstream and downstream companies;
  • Carrying out an in-depth analysis on financial instruments and investment funds and loans available at member state, EU and international levels for the Africa region.
  • Developing in-depth case studies, addressing the above listed actions but not limited to it, for at least six African countries, including DRC, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Gabon and Namibia.

All the data and information generated through these actions should be shared in open formats on a free of charge basis with the European Commission, for its own use and for publication.

Public authorities and civil society organisations should participate actively in project activities to ensure that the processes and outcomes of the R&I align with the needs, values, expectations of society and, when social change, new social practices, social ownership or market uptake are required, social innovation should be encouraged.

Proposals should take into account issues of accessibility and inclusivity, such as age, gender, disability, and socio-economic background.