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Global waste dimension


Specific Challenge: The complexity and heterogeneity of waste streams require coordination and networking between researchers, entrepreneurs and public authorities to harmonise technologies, processes and services, to profit from benchmarking, sharing best practices, and gender mainstreaming, and to use or develop standards. Insufficient cooperation between different value chain players in several raw materials sectors results in lower recycling rates or suboptimal use of raw materials from an environmental and socio-economic point of view. Improved cooperation within or along different value chains and among stakeholders, including a participatory role of citizens, representing the wider society, and civil society organisations, can lead to more efficient use of raw materials and to waste reduction.

The global nature of the waste management challenge requires coordination, pooling of resources and support to the definition of global objectives and strategies, and holds a potential for export of eco-innovative solutions and seizing new markets. Dissemination at international level of knowledge on waste management, including environmental regulations and standards, can contribute to turning waste into a resource at global level and to setting up resource efficient waste management systems and technologies and services, particularly in developing countries and emerging economies. To this end, enhanced forms of participatory processes for all stakeholders are needed.

Scope: Proposals shall address the following issue:

Global waste dimension[1]: Development of a strategy for global dissemination and uptake of European waste management best practices, benchmarks and standards, thereby raising awareness on behavioural, social, political, cultural and institutional aspects in solid waste management, and paving the way to new market opportunities. In line with the EU’s strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation[2] actions will contribute to the commitments of Rio+20 and UNEP's Global Partnership on Waste Management and will follow up on the on-going international activities such as the EU-Africa pilot project on waste, aiming at developing a roadmap of potential joint European-African research and innovation actions, including knowledge transfer in the field of waste management'.

Expected impact:

Improved knowledge and metrics of specific waste streams and waste management methods and technologies in Europe, and a coordinated and integrated strategic research and innovation agenda, contributing to harmonised and optimised innovative waste management systems, best practices and standards and increased recycling rates in the medium term. Significant improvement in the knowledge of costs and performances along value chains, informing a pricing policy for waste management in line with the waste hierarchy. Support to the implementation of the Waste Framework Directive (Dir. 2008/98/EC) and achievement of Europe 2020 strategy reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions. Support to the implementation of the outcome of Rio+20 and the UNEP's Global Partnership on Waste Management and to the implementation of environmentally sound waste management systems, in line with the Basel Convention. New market opportunities for European businesses.

Type of action:Coordination and support actions


[1]     This activity directly aimed at supporting the promotion of coherent and effective cooperation with third countries is excluded from the delegation to EASME and will be implemented by the Commission services.

[2]     COM(2012)497