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Specific Grant Agreement European Low-Power Microprocessor Technologies 2018


Within the Framework Partnership Agreement in European low-power microprocessor technologies awarded in 2017, the selected consortium will be invited to submit a Research and Innovation Action proposal for the design and development of European low-power processors and related technologies for extreme-scale, high-performance big-data and emerging applications, in the automotive sector for example, in accordance with the research roadmap defined in the FPA. The designs should follow a modular approach that would allow a rapid scale-up or scale-down.

The grant will be subject to Article 30.3 of the grant agreement (Commission right to object to transfers or licensing).

In particular, the proposal is expected to cover both of the following topics

a) Low-power Processing System Units demonstrating the synergies between high performance computing at the exascale level and scalability to distributed collaborating systems in emerging computing applications, in the automotive sector for example,