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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

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Development of new diagnostic tools and technologies: in vivo medical imaging technologies


Specific challenge: The development of new diagnostics (more sensitive, robust and selective) for improved clinical practice demands the translation of multidisciplinary scientific and technological knowledge from diverse fields into clinical applications. Innovation in this area relies on the development, translation and uptake of existing, new or evolving, and often complex technologies.

Improved clinical decisions based on new and improved diagnostic tools and techniques should lead to better health outcomes while contributing to the sustainability of the health care system.

This is also a field where many small European companies are active.

Scope: Proposals should focus on the development of innovative in vivo imaging tools and technologies. The novel application of existing tools and technologies is not included. Tools and technology should aim at improving diagnosis, prediction, monitoring, image-based intervention or assessment of therapeutic response, with a significant impact on clinical decisions and health outcomes. Proposals should focus on innovations that offer a clear advantage over existing tools and technologies. Development of in vivo medical imaging technologies should make use of existing high-tech engineering or physics solutions or innovative ideas and concepts coming from those fields and if appropriate, new developments in the field of imaging agents.        

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 4 and 6 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.


Expected impact: This should provide:

         New in vivo diagnostic tools and methods providing more accurate, less invasive, more reliable and earlier disease diagnosis, prediction or response to therapy, leading to improved clinical decisions and outcomes.

         Contribution to the sustainability of health care systems.

         Growth of the European diagnostics sector, in particular for SMEs.           

Type of action: Research and innovation actions