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Next generation of competitive Li-ion batteries to meet customer expectations


Specific challenge: It is important that next generations of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles incorporate basic electric components, such as electric batteries and their constituent components, that are manufactured in Europe. This is not the case for the first generation of these vehicles that incorporate non-European battery technologies. The challenge to be addressed is the development of new materials, facilities and technologies for advanced Li-ion batteries to support the development of a strong European industrial base in this field. This challenge is complementary to the above mentioned battery electrochemistry topic pursuing longer terms solutions in the Advanced Materials Work Programme of 2014.

Scope: Proposals should be based on a multidisciplinary approach to pursue the optimisation of the electrochemistry to hone parameters critical to customer acceptance: cost, safety aspects, resistance to high-power charging, durability, recyclability and the impact of hybridisation with other types of storage systems (e.g. ultracapacitors), as well as consideration of scale-up for manufacturing.

In addition, better knowledge on the ageing mechanism and its modelling are needed in order to support test procedures and the development of standards. In line with the Union's strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation[1] international cooperation to establish world-level standard is encouraged.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 5 to 8 million each would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected impact: Research and innovation activities will bring European industry to a stronger position on the world market making it possible to launch new production in Europe while at the same time addressing the shortcomings of electric cars as compared to conventional cars (e.g. cost and weight reduction, safety, reliability, longevity and fitness for charging under real world conditions). The proposed solutions should demonstrate industrial scale prototypes improving cell-level energy densities by at least 20%, and costs by 20%, with respect to the best cell chemistries currently on the market.

Type of action: Research and Innovation Actions

[1]     COM(2012)497