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EGNSS Transport applications


Proposals should aim at developing new innovative applications, with commercial impact and a clear market uptake perspective. Innovation activities within this topic should build on:

  • Exploitation of the distinguishing features of EGNOS and Galileo signals and operational advantages in downstream applications;
  • Implementation of EGNSS based pilot projects and end-to-end solutions, ready for use by the private or public sector;
  • Standards, certification, legal and societal acceptance, which will foster EGNSS adoption; and
  • Exploitation of synergies with other positioning and navigation systems and techniques, with focus in valorising EGNOS and Galileo in the frame of multi-constellation and multi-frequency environment.

EGNSS should be part and parcel of the envisaged solution(s). However, where a combination of EGNSS with other technologies is required to make the application(s) work, this is not excluded from the scope. Proposals may be submitted in any of the following four transport domains:

Aviation: The development of EGNSS solutions for navigation, surveillance and communication in all phases of flight (aircraft and rotorcraft) should be addressed, including the possibility to determine the location of aircraft in distress. In particular, GNSS based PBN (Performance Based Operations), advanced operations for approach and landing benefitting from robust vertical guidance and LPV-200/CAT1 services[[The recent EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment 2015-01 should be taken into account.]]. Furthermore, surveillance applications, such as ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) and use of reliable PVT for signal integrity, precise positioning and orientation of remotely piloted aerial systems (RPAS) might be addressed. Synergy and complementarity with the Sesar Joint Undertaking and other initiatives shall be clearly identified. Proposals should in particular build on multi-constellation/multi-frequency, current and future EGNOS integrity features and service levels, as well as integration of multi-constellation enabling capabilities.

Road: Development of EGNSS solutions in emerging innovative domains, such as autonomous vehicles, that are safety critical and require a specific accurate and resilient positioning, timing and navigation should be addressed. Development of EGNSS solutions in policy driven applications, such as new generation of eCall, enhanced digital tachograph, dangerous goods transport, etc. might also be addressed. Proposals should in particular build on Galileo specific signal features and differentiators and new services such as authentication and high precision, as well as current and future EGNOS integrity features.

Maritime: Development of EGNSS based solutions in the different maritime and inland waterways (including the Arctic), such as vessels navigation, traffic management and surveillance, search and rescue, port operations, custom fraud control, fisheries monitoring should be addressed. Proposals should in particular build on the use of current and future EGNOS dedicated services for maritime, and the Search and Rescue service of Galileo, other Galileo differentiating features and services, such as authentication, and high precision.

Rail: Development of EGNSS based solutions in train signalling and control, contributing to the evolution and cost competitiveness of the European Rail Traffic Management System, and in non-safety-critical applications, such as passenger information system, asset management, etc. should be addressed. Synergy and complementarity with the Shift 2 Rail Joint Undertaking and other initiatives shall be clearly identified. Proposals should in particular build on the current and future EGNOS integrity services and multi-constellation, multi-frequency, and specific signal features of Galileo that improves position performances in the challenging railway environment (e.g. urban parts).

In projects to be funded under this topic participation of industry, in particular SMEs, is encouraged.

Proposals addressing PRS (Public Regulated Service) related applications are not in the scope of this action.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 and 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Transport is fundamental to our economy and society. An efficient and sustainable mobility is vital for the internal market and for the quality of life of the citizens. Transport enables economic growth and job creation. Satellite navigation application technology is an increasingly common component of modern transport systems. It contributes to a competitive, safe and resource efficient transport system and enables new challenging solutions in terms of positioning and navigation performances in aviation, road, maritime and rail, as well as in multi-modal applications. The use of EGNSS is also a key factor in many EU transport related policies, such as Intelligent Transport System, emergency call (eCall), enhanced digital tachograph, European Single Sky, European contribution to the Worldwide Maritime Radionavigation System.

The specific challenge of this topic is to develop innovative EGNSS based applications in aviation, road, maritime and rail that will make EGNOS and Galileo more available to transport users and enable new end-to-end solutions that require accurate and resilient positioning and navigation.

Activities should promote innovation in order to maximise the potential of the EGNSS and its adoption in transport. They should build on specific features and differentiators of Galileo and EGNOS, demonstrating the advantage of their use in transport. The applications shall contribute to the modern, efficient and user-friendly transport system. The activities should be complemented with a systems’ approach, taking care of infrastructure and regulatory requirements, coordination of multiple actors and pilot projects to encourage market take-up.

The proposals shall have a clear intention and rationale to commercialise the products and services developed, including a business plan.