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FET Take-Up Coordination and Support Activities 2015


Specific challenge: The challenge is to make Europe the best place in the world for collaborative research on future and emerging technologies that will renew the basis for future European competitiveness and growth, and that will make a difference for society in the decades to come.


Scope: Proposals shall address the following topic:


FET Take-Up: actions for stimulating take-up of FET research results towards impact and innovation, in ways that are complementary to and beyond the capacity of single research projects. Examples include outreach to investors and entrepreneurs, use of unconventional channels (like NGOs or artists), or targeting of new audiences and purposes (e.g. for social innovation, global development or peace).


The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 0.3 and 0.5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.


Expected impact:


• European thought-leadership on new and emerging technologies with a strong engagement of scientists, citizens, innovators and policy makers.

• Improved long-term innovation potential in Europe both from the abundance of novel ideas and the range of actors ready to take them forward.

• Improved readiness across Europe to engage in silo-breaking research collaboration and to take up new research and innovation practices.

• Increased take-up of long-term science and technology research results.


Type of action: Coordination and Support Actions