Experimental Platforms
Specific Challenge: The objective of cooperation in the area of Experimental Platforms is to enable and promote the federation of experimental resources irrespective of their localization in Brazil and in Europe, with a view towards global experimentation across heterogeneous networks, both wired and wireless, and a variety of end-systems.
Scope: The focus is on building upon current tools and platforms in support of end-to-end experimentation, creating a pool of, and giving open access to, shared experimental resources that complement and supplement those available in each continent.
Linking to existing FIRE facilities is a requirement.
Expected impact:
Improving access to, and broadening the scope of, experimental facilities, as well as promoting experimentally-driven research with end-user involvement.
Types of action:
Research & Innovation Actions –The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of max EUR 1,5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.