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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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User-driven e-infrastructure innovation


Proposals will address only one of the points below. At least one proposal for each point will be selected:

Exploitation of e-infrastructures for user-driven innovation and pilots responding to community specific challenges

(1) Proposals are expected to support, through open e-infrastructure resources, specific requirements of European initiatives addressing societal challenges (e.g. on environment and marine sustainability, agriculture and biodiversity, health and human brain etc.). e-Infrastructures should enable fast prototyping and development of innovative networking, data and computing intensive application and services promoting adaptation, extension and repurposing of basic services. Special attention should be devoted to standardisation to make data and software reusable across the board. The network, data and computing services should lead to economies of scale and facilitate access to resources by innovators.

The Commission considers that

There is a need to support user-driven design and prototyping of innovative e-infrastructure services and applications to meet the needs of those communities that push the envelope in scientific and technological domains requiring top-of-the range capacity in the long term. It is also important to promote multi-domain community-driven approaches to fully exploit core e-infrastructure services with high economic innovation potential. With the support of, for example, independent software vendors, engineering companies, innovation clusters and Research and technology organisations, e-infrastructures should open up to innovative stakeholders, including researchers, citizens and SMEs, to exploit a wide range of technology developments, research results and data.

Opening e-infrastructures to develop and test innovative functionalities and advanced technology entails the support to Open Science and stairways for excellence to increase citizen's trust in science, bridging the gap between the leading researc

Exploitation of e-infrastructures for user-driven innovation and pilots responding to community specific challenges: These actions will accelerate the development of innovative data and computing intensive services in areas of social relevance such as Health, Environment monitoring and management. It will foster the use of open e-infrastructures eco-systems to innovative use promoting smooth collaboration among and between the large European Policy data intensive initiatives. It will bridge the gap between adjacent but not connected scientific communities and promote wide dissemination of data including to the citizens engaged in science. It will support collaboration in data provision and exchange across regional and national related infrastructures allowing the integration of data from a myriad of resources and research communities.

Successful proposals will increase the number of SMEs that are aware of available e-infrastructures resources and services and become active i