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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

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Construction skills


Specific challenge: The large contribution expected from the building sector to the 2020 energy objectives is a challenge for the construction industry which needs to be ready to deliver renovations offering high energy performance and new, nearly zero-energy buildings using innovative technologies. Many craftsmen and building workers need up-skilling. Existing qualification schemes, accreditation structures and training incentives are not covering enough energy efficiency and renewable energy issues and are sometimes insufficiently attractive to building workers and employers (especially from SMEs). There is also a need to train architects, engineers, building managers and other building professionals. By promoting 'energy literacy', including integrated design and good operational management practices, these professions can help in closing the gap between energy performance at design stage and operational performance.

Scope:Regarding craftsmen and other on-site workers, including apprentices, proposals should build on the results of the recent BUILD UP Skills initiative, be in line with the European Qualification Framework (EQF), and focus on upgrading or establishing large-scale qualification and training schemes in order to increase the number of skilled building workers. They should be based on the national training roadmaps established in BUILD UP Skills. They may also address coordination and accompanying measures (e.g. voluntary certification schemes, accreditation, mutual recognition, incentives to encourage the participation of craftsmen and to attract women to the construction sector).

Regarding other practitioners, proposals should focus on improving the qualification and skills of middle and senior level building professionals. ICT-based training may be used, building on results from the EU ICT programme.

For financial support to trainees, proposals should link to other sources of funding such as the European Social Fund, including the Youth Guarantee Scheme.

Proposals should as much as possible foster better cooperation between disciplines and link to approved qualifications which are in turn based on industry standards.

Organisational and financial mechanisms should be established to sustain training activities for at least 3 years after the projects’ end.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 and 1.5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

For all proposals, at least three legal entities must participate in the action; each of the three legal entities shall be established in a different eligible country; and all three legal entities shall be independent of each other. However, proposals focusing on upgrading or establishing large-scale qualification and training schemes for craftsmen and other on-site workers, in the continuation of the BUILD UP Skills initiative, may be submitted by one legal entity.

Expected impact: Reduced skills mismatch and increased managerial capacity to support innovation and sustainable energy use in buildings through new leadership and work practices. Improved participation, qualifications and skills for a pool of talented women in the construction sector.

Every million Euro of EU support is expected to increase the skills of at least 2000 craftsmen[1], or 500 construction sector managers[2], resulting in energy savings and/or renewable energy production of at least 25 GWh per year and increasing the employability of the building workforce. In addition projects should explain how they will result in increased investments in innovative sustainable energy technologies.

Type of action: Coordination and Support Actions

[1] Based on the FEEBAT scheme in France.

[2] EUREM.NET and IDES-EDU projects (IEE programme)