DEMOS Explores New Trends about Populism

The conference’s goal is to analyse recent changes in European populist parties and movements in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The outbreak has changed political narratives, policy making, and the behavior of politicians in Europe. Not only mainstream but also populist actors had to adapt their strategy to the crisis situation. The conference will discuss these changes and new trends from several angles including a gender backlash in the Central-Eastern European region.
During the conference, project scholars Martin Mejstřík (Charles University); Giuliano Bobba, and team members Federico Vegetti, Arturo Bertero, Moreno Mancosu, and Antonella Seddone (University of Turin); Attila Bartha (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest), Artur Lipiński (Adam Mickiewicz University), and DEMOS H2020 project leader Zsolt Boda (CSS, Budapest) will explore populist communication on social media, populist governance and policy making, and populist attitudes.
Check out details about the conference including the programme, registration, and how to follow the event on our website:
Prague Populism Conference, Populism, Gender backlash, CEE, Central Europe, Hungary, Poland, conference, event, online, webinar, international, H2020, DEMOS, Democratic Efficacy and the Varieties of Populism in Europe