Exploring Blockchain Ecosystem: Collaboration Between Startups and SMEs online event

In fact, since the beginning, apart from supporting more traditional blockchain sectors, such as financial technologies and cryptocurrencies, that are usually associated with blockchain, BlockStart has also tried to focus on supporting blockchain awareness and applicability in other sectors, such as retail and more general ICT products. This disruptive technology has the potential to reshape many industries and there are still untapped opportunities ahead. The 10 startups supported through BlockStart’s 1st Acceleration Programme are a true example of this mix of sector applicability and show the numerous possibilities that blockchain technology has to offer to the world.
Therefore, Blockstart has partnered with Startup Lithuania and together with H2020 blockchain project NGI TruBlo and LAB577 will promote a panel discussion that brings together well-known blockchain experts and startups and SME adopters of blockchain technology to explore the blockchain ecosystem now and in the future ahead, discuss the importance and opportunities for collaborations, and share their lessons learned. This event will be held online, and live streamed in Facebook and YouTube, on 28 April at 3pm CEST (Brussels Time).
Featured speakers include Krzysztof Radecki, Co-founder and CEO of Rexs.io, Reinis Skorovs, Founder and CEO of Kedeon, 2 of BlockStart’s top 5 blockchain startups from the project’s 1st Acceleration Programme, Richard Crook, Founder and CEO of LAB577, Mirko Lorenz, Expert at H2020 blockchain project NGI TruBlo and Mauro Manente, CTO at Latitudo40, one of the 18 SME adopters that piloted blockchain solutions during BlockStart’s 1st Pilot stage. The event will be moderated by Vytautas Černiauskas, Expert at CIVITTA, BlockStart consortium partner.
Interested in joining us? This panel discussion is free-of-charge, but registration is mandatory. Upon your registration, you will receive an email a few days before the event, with a kind reminder and the link to join our speakers on 28 April.
Register here: https://www.f6s.com/exploring-blockchain-ecosystem-collaboration-startups-smes