Service R&D for Archiving and Preservation for Research Environments

The "Service R&D for Archiving and Preservation for Research Environments" event that will take place on the 19th of April, at 16:00 CEST, in the framework of the 17th RDA Virtual Plenary, will focus on the current data preservation challenges addressed in the EOSC context, providing interactive demos of the innovative digital archiving and preservation solutions that are being developed by the ARCHIVER contractors, who will showcase how their solutions can be exploited in a number of domains and fields of applications, including High Energy Physics, Life Sciences, and Astrophysics.
The workshop will be open and free of charge. It targets the research data world-wide community that will meet for the RDA Virtual Plenary on 20-23 April, and is the first of a series of thematic, domain-oriented webinars aimed to introduce ARCHIVER long term data preservation solutions, together with the path to them via the PPC approach, to an audience of researchers and representatives from the data management and ESFRI communities.
In order to register, visit the RDA VP17 registration page, click on 'tickets' and select 'Service R&D for Archiving and Preservation':
See the agenda:
preservation, archiving