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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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Effective Training in Cybersecurity in the New Era of Staff Remotisation

By participating in this event you will hear from internationally-renowned cybersecurity experts about the possible solutions for improving the cybersecurity posture of your organisation. As an event take-away, you will also have the possibility to enrol yourself and/or some of your teammates in the training programme, an innovative online training platform newly launched. As early users, you will have the unique opportunity to use the platform for free.

Digital Economy icon Digital Economy
Society icon Society
Security icon Security
25 March 2021 - 25 March 2021
Online event, Italy
The need for effective cybersecurity training is more pressing than ever. With COVID-19 restrictions bringing about the increasing shift to home working, companies are now offering many more vulnerable points to malicious hackers. According to the IBM Data Breach Report, the average cost of a data breach in 2020 was 3.86 million dollars, and the average time to identify and contain it was 280 days. The shift to remote work has created a more complex security landscape that will require significant focus and resources moving forward. Training is crucial to help organizations and teams to become cyber-aware with regards to best practices including password strength, phishing emails (which have exploded in number since the start of the pandemic), and other types of cyber-attacks.

The event titled “Effective training in cybersecurity in the new era of staff remotisation: Practical solutions, tools & opportunities” will take place on 25 March 2021 in a virtual environment from just 10:00AM to 4:30PM

What’s in it for me?

- I know I have a problem with competencies in cybersecurity! What are my options?
- I depend on ICT for my business: How do I train my staff in cybersecurity if I have a limited budget?
- Staff working from remote will increase cyber risks: How do we step up our cybersecurity skills?

This workshop is specifically for all those who are pondering these questions!

See the full agenda here:

Organization and key takeaways

The first part of the event will gather experts from all across Europe setting the scene on the state of the art in cybersecurity training, presenting existing solutions and opportunities to increase capacity building, evaluating best practices based on the emerging needs of SMEs and other organizations. Two-panel discussions will be looking at how Europe is tackling the cybersecurity-skills gap based on the progress of the future European Cybersecurity Competence Network as well as practical tools and services to address it quickly and comprehensively.

In the practical training sessions on platform, you will have the opportunity to participate in a more detailed demonstration of the training platform and get in direct contact with a Tutor that will be interacting with you, in order to create a specific training path customized to the needs of your organization. We will define together the technical characteristics of your training path and you will be able to start using the platform right away and free of charge!

Participants to the event will also get a personalised certificate of participation after the event.

See the full agenda here:

Want to know more? Contact us at


cybersecurity, capacity building, cybersecurity training, digital skills, cybersecurity skills, cybersecurity courses

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